Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've been fumblingly attempting to create a representational avatar of myself in Second Life. One of the many hurdles I've encountered so far is tracking down a pair of eyeglasses that fit, hence the "steampunk" welding goggles in the "photo" above.

My SL handle is "Hiromi Luminos."


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Have you tried editing some glasses when you're wearing them? Stretch to resize, position and rotate to adjust the location.

  2. I have a contact that has glasses like you might be looking for. I'll ask him where he got them, and send you the info inworld. :o)

  3. Steve--

    Yes, I've begun tinkering with the "edit" function. Boy, do I wish I had *that* ability in real life!


    Hey, thanks! :-)
