Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Today's my birthday. Which means you have to indulge me and listen to Morrissey.


  1. Happy Birthday Mac!!!

  2. Anonymous5:12 AM

    "Which means you have to to indulge me and listen to Morrissey."

    Oh, jeeeez, do we _have_ to?!?

    Well, ...OK. Just this once! 8^}

    Oh yeah, Happy, happy birthday, Mr. Tonnies! Do something real fun for yourself. Indulge, "...shall be the whole of the law." Would this, based on intense granular forensic blog search analytics, be the 33rd? And soon, a third?

    If so, may you rotate like the long-play fantastic plastic album records of old, at 33 1/3 transhuman revolutions per minute, while appropriate oscillating brain lobes are suitably soaked in Sangria and espresso, as required or needed. That's my Rx.

    This is your doctor speaking, and you must indulge me by following this prescripton for a delightfully nightmarish carnival of mayhem and fun! Take that red pill of enlightenment over there, too, and contemplate the matrix of excitement that your creative life may now be half, or perhaps just a third if you're very lucky, over, and consider how, why and what to do with the rest of it, as time passes in an accelerating manner the older you get, from my experience. Do it right, but just do it, and, oh, finish that book, dammit, so you can start the next 10!

    Seriously, Mac, have a real happy birthday; your blog and other works impress me to the degree that I can only say, you deserve it. Happy, happy...oh, I said that already... I'll just slink away, now... [head bowed](sheesh!) 8^}

  3. Happy Birthday?

    I thought you aliens didn't have birthdays.

    Anyway, make it a good one.


  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Happy b-day.

    Here's Henry Rollins on Morrissey:

    "In my opinion Morrissey just embodies every horrible trait that a human can possibly possess. I mean he’s British he doesn’t have to work very hard. I mean they have a handicap anyway. You notice all the great musicians who are English, moved. Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi and Bill Ward the members of Black Sabbath one of the worlds most greatest bands, even though they are English. They moved to America which is great.

    “I just love this video because it captures our hero Morrissey lounging about on lonely isolated terrain in this hilarious shirt and I just… when ever I see the video of ‘November Spawned A Monster’ I’m always here with a twinge of regret that it was not I who got to direct this video because in the last scene Morrissey would just be dowsed with gasoline and set on fire. And then we’d just get some wild sound that could just catch the sound of this hair and the polyester shirt burning into his skin and his last cries on earth. And what we could do is we could take that and put a house beat behind it, put it on a 12 inch and sell it to all these emaciated kids with bad teeth, who don’t have enough vitamin c, who never get outside. It’s like, Morrissey cheer up! It’s not that bad! When you have as much money as that guy does, I’d be happy. You know David Lee Roth once said money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a boat big enough to sail right up next to it (laughs) so I think the guy should cheer up.

    “So I think we should play this video today to show everybody you know the traits they shouldn’t cultivate. Look at Morrissey and just be… jump up and down in joy that you’re not him. That’s why. And I know that this might be a little cruel and I might of bashed our beautiful friends over there in Britain and you know I really don’t care. I really don’t care. Personally I wouldn’t want to burn him up. I would like to tie him to a chair and tease him until he pees his pants and promises never to do it again.”

  5. Happy Birthday Mac!

    You're a heck of nice guy with a perceptive eye and great talent for translating your vision to words.

    I wish you all the happiness in the world, even though you are in a Morrissey kind of mood.

  6. I got through two minutes...more than *half* the song...does that count?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAC!!! Woo Hoo! :o)

    (I adore Henry Rollins...)

  7. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Indulge you and listen to Morrisey! Well, OK, but only cause it's your birthday, you and about 10 million other people today. Isn't that special!

    I would say have a Happy... but if you start the day with Morrissey what's left?

    Keep smiling.


  8. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Happy Birthday

  9. Anonymous1:01 PM

    happy birthday!

    another year escaping the blade runners...way to go!

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Merry Macmas!

  11. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Heres to another ten turns around the sun! Enjoy your day!


  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Doh! That was supposed to be 100 turns. Lack of sleep makes for poor typing.


  13. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I can't bring myself to listen to that Morrissey song, but when I'm in Vancouver I'll make sure to head on down to The Morrissey and have a Moz burger in your honour.

    Despite the name, the food is really amazing there!

  14. Anonymous2:22 PM

    As per "Budd Keel's" rather inappropriate inclusion of Henry Rollins' acidic, semi-oblivious commentary or punked out opinion about Morrissey here, I would think if I didn't know better that Morrissey might be justified in making some similar comment about his opinion or evaluation of Rollins' music in Black Flag or afterward, in turn, but probably not, as Morrissey's body of work, going back to the Smith's and beyond, not only speaks for itself, but just goes to show how Morrissey is a much better songwriter/singer, and that he's also certainly more of a real gentleman than Rollins' silly little "tough guy" persona, or need warrant any reciprocal response. Rollins sounds like he just wanted undue attention and/or a PR-enhancing media fight. What a prickly dork...

    Rollins' sounds rather jealous and petulant, in fact. So, there! 8^}

    Keep smilin' Mac, and don't let the beefheads get ya down--they are unworthy of analysis or comment. Stupid gits...

  15. ...happy birthday Mac - love your blog - and can even forgive the Morrissey! To each his or her own...

  16. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Happy birthday!

  17. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Hey, happy b-day man!

  18. Well, I don't need to watch the video because you're coming out to CA and I can give you a present in person.

    When was it you're supposed to be out here again?

  19. Good lord -- 20 comments! Thanks to everyone for the positive vibes.

  20. I thought you aliens didn't have birthdays.

    Well, technically vat maturation isn't "birth," per se, but it's close enough for us.

    I wish you all the happiness in the world, even though you are in a Morrissey kind of mood.

    You know what I've learned? That there's nothing inherently wrong with being in a Morrissey kind of mood. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's a healthy adaptive response.

    In any case, I'm in more of a Kafka mood at the moment. :-)

    another year escaping the blade runners...way to go!

    Wait -- there's some guy at the door with a Voight-Kampf machine...

    I can't bring myself to listen to that Morrissey song, but when I'm in Vancouver I'll make sure to head on down to The Morrissey and have a Moz burger in your honour.

    A Moz *burger*? Is that someone's idea of a joke?

    Heres to another ten turns around the sun!

    If I'm lucky!

  21. Greg--

    Let's see -- I'll be in the general area for a few days, but I'm not sure exactly where. I'll give you a call and touch base when I know more specifics. The original plan included a night's stay in Hollywood; I don't know if that's still in the cards or not. I know for sure we'll be spending time in San Jose.

  22. maybe to late, but "Goodbye horses", happy birthday bro, love your stuff.

  23. Anonymous5:30 PM

    It didn't occur to me how backwards a Moz hamburger sounded until after I hit publish. Meat is murder! It's no joke, though. The whole pub is Morrissey themed, and it really is some of the best pub food I've ever had in my life. I'm sure they have some vegetarian dishes as well.

  24. Yo Mac...

    Happy BDAY!

    Better late than never...


  25. .....And many more.
    Haven't been around lately. Hope everything is going well.
