Monday, August 18, 2008

Who I Think the Visitors Are (Anne Strieber)

My theory about "the visitors" is different from that of most UFO investigators: I think they are either time travelers, visitors from a parallel universe, the dead -- or all 3.

Over the years, we have received many letters connecting the spirits of the dead with visitors. This type of anecdote is anathema to old line UFO researchers, who want the whole thing to be about the conventional concept of encounters with aliens who have arrived in space ships from another planet.


  1. I'm going to have to go with avatars of Gaia, but she's such a complex organism her communication doesn't make sense to us because we are a part of the organism.

  2. Anonymous9:28 AM

    My theory is that the Visitors seek to control those whom they abduct via mental and emotional manipulation. One way this is achieved is by touching our deepest hopes and sorrows -- as, is apparently common, making the abductees believe that they've had a reunion with deceased loved ones. It's an elaborate ruse and deception in order to further entangle the lives of abductees in their abduction experiences.

    Who and what the Visitors are, where they are from, remains an enigma.


  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    "I think they are either time travelers, visitors from a parallel universe, the dead -- or all 3."

    ...or all 3. So, according to Mrs. Strieber, we may be being visited by dead time travelers from a parallel universe. Now, why do I doubt that's in any way likely? Because it's pure speculation based on misinterpreted, second hand anecdotal accounts? Oh, I don't know...and that's the point.

    I suspect, as Ken, above suggests, in lieu of proof we do not know who and what "the Visitors" not only are, or where they may be from, but even, I would suggest, if they are visitors at all, in the sense that's commonly understood.

    While there are a variety of genuine unidentified anomalous and atmospheric phenomena, or to use the perjorative acronym, "UFOs," we still have no reliable proof that it, these phenomena, or any one phenomenon, necessarily establish the presence of any forms of non-human intelligence or consciousness that can be objectively relied upon. There is suggestive evidence of various kinds, but no proof, unfortunately.

    It does, as noted above, remain an enigma.

    Whitley seems to have married the perfect "help mate," for which I'm happy for them, as they reside in their apparently mutual delusions, if that's what they are, quite content to continue selling books, lectures, DVD's, website subscriptions, and their souls, for the financial remuneration they receive for doing so, and further spreading disinfortainment.

  4. Anonymous4:15 PM

    One reason to run a simulated reality: the inhabitants of the simulated reality will grow "souls" by experiencing the simulated reality. You can then eat these yummy souls. Or play with the "dead" ones by dangling them from the tip of your tongue in front of the "living" ones.

  5. Cap'n--

    I'm going to have to go with avatars of Gaia, but she's such a complex organism her communication doesn't make sense to us because we are a part of the organism.

    Or, rather, it makes perfect sense but is outside the bounds of our present cultural operating system.

  6. It's an elaborate ruse and deception in order to further entangle the lives of abductees in their abduction experiences.

    I have to agree that sightings of deceased loved ones -- if true -- would seem to be the stuff of special effects. Then again, if there really are "visitors," then who the hell knows?

  7. Intense--

    Well-said, as usual. I sincerely doubt whatever's happening is "simple" as humanoid "visitors" -- regardless of where they might originate.

    I'm still not entirely satisfied that the encounter/abduction phenomenon has a direct relationship with the UFO phenomenon, although there appear to be correlations.
