Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is Alien Contact Imminent?

You tell me.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    "Is Alien Contact Imminent?"

    Nope. Nor is "disclosure." Now you know. Glad to be of service.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    The seti.com comment validation is broken again. Was going to comment: Agreed we need new vocabulary for the real; a "Theory of Relativity" for reality itself. I'm picturing some kind of chart that shows exactly how real various phenomena are, relative to our day-to-day normal existence.

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Just left a comment on the SETI blog and at least for now it seems to be working.

    I was thinking along the same lines as OuterjOin after I left the comment. The lack of serious scientific inquiry is unacceptable and it would be helpful to have an enhanced classification system in order to categorize, discuss and examine the various phenomenon in greater detail.


  4. Thanks for the feedback, everybody.

    (What? "Disclosure" not imminent? Where's that Greer fellow? I want a few words with him, by god.)

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Why did seti.com become aboutseti.com?

    Looks like the prior domain name is under new ownership--was the original url sold?

    Oh, and BTW, none of your prior blog posts there appear to be archived or available on the new site.

  6. Intense--

    Looks like the prior domain name is under new ownership--was the original url sold?

    The company that was developing the SETI.com site lost control when the company that owned the domain pulled out. (I don't know why.) Hence the new domain.

    Oh, and BTW, none of your prior blog posts there appear to be archived or available on the new site.

    Not true; there's a monthly blog archive over on the right.

  7. Anonymous12:14 AM

    "Not true; there's a monthly blog archive over on the right."

    Yeah, I noticed that--but, when I clicked on 3 or 4 past months, nothing came up this a.m.--must have been fixed/added after my comment above was made.

    Yet another weird synchronicity!? Heh. 8^}
