Sunday, September 21, 2008

When Atheists Attack (Sam Harris)

However badly she may stumble during the remaining weeks of this campaign, her supporters will focus their outrage upon the journalist who caused her to break stride, upon the camera operator who happened to capture her fall, upon the television network that broadcast the good lady's misfortune -- and, above all, upon the "liberal elites" with their highfalutin assumption that, in the 21st century, only a reasonably well-educated person should be given command of our nuclear arsenal.


  1. Please save me from another four years in dumbfuckistan. The older I get, the more I want to be an expatriate.

  2. Don't stop at wanting to be an expatriate -- make it happen. I want to get the hell out of this soon-to-be quasi-theocracy.

  3. Soon-to-be? You mean it could get worse? ;)

  4. I think it could get a lot worse, unfortunately. Like Harris, I find Palin somehow scarier than Bush and his cronies.

    We're in for one hell of a ride.
