Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another casualty of the will to believe.


  1. Anonymous8:37 PM

    "Damn those rascal Aliens for making a fool of me! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

    I keep thinking what incredible theater this is.


  2. Anonymous10:24 PM


  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    She really has no idea that she channels her inner mental illness.

    This whole episode really depressed me, for a number of reasons. Mostly the will to believe from so many people - and the fact that it literally dropped ufology down a few more notches in the eyes of the masses.

  4. I actually feel a little sorry for her. I get the feeling from this video that she might have actually believed her prediction.

    Welcome to reality, Blossom.

  5. Anonymous4:10 AM

    The desire to worship super-human beings is still with us in the 21st Century.

    A modern religion and Blossom is its Prophet.


  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Hsve no fear! The Believers have adjusted! Not the Gregorian Calander, the Julian Calander! The date of Contact is now October 24th.

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    @ Mac

    Oh, she absolutely believed that she was channelling alien. No doubt about that.

  8. Bsti--

    Seriously? And what, pray tell, will be the excuse when the 24th passes uneventfully?

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Well, there's always the Romulan galactic calendar.

    I believe the aliens will make themselves known on the 12th of Never, personally.

  10. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Mac, I'm keeping an eye on this. If it doesn't happen on 10/24, then it will be pushed up to 11/11.
    But there are already back-up excuses for these dates that have already been used.
    1. It was the fault of the non-believers.
    2. It happened in a different dimensional timeline. Had we all believed enough, it would have happened in THIS timeline.

  11. Bsti--

    Ah -- the old "When Prophecy Fails" schtick.

  12. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "Ah -- the old "When Prophecy Fails" schtick."

    Exactly. I can just picture Leon Festinger slowly shaking his head in bemusement and mourning, muttering about "cognitive dissonance redux." Or something like that.
