Friday, October 17, 2008

Does Memory Reside Outside the Brain?

Most people assume that our memories must exist somewhere inside our heads. But try as they might, medical investigators have been unable to determine which cerebral region actually stores what we remember. Could it be that our memories actually dwell in a space outside our physical structure?

(Via Reality Carnival.)


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Could it be that our memories actually dwell in a space outside our physical structure?

    No; what a silly question.

  2. Fred Hoyle believed that our whole life memory was stored 'offsite'. See the end of his memoir 'Home is Where the Wind Blows'

  3. I also remember hearing that one of the Native American tribes believed this. I think it may have been the Apache's.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Roger Penrose anyone? I also recommend Tor Nørretranders' "The User Illusion" For an alternate take.
