Saturday, October 04, 2008

Here's the new video for "Reckoner," very possibly my favorite track from Radiohead's "In Rainbows."

Interestingly, the video's not dissimilar to the panspermia animation I posted earlier.


  1. Great video... but I don't get Radiohead - I should, being a melancholic Piscean, but I don't - is there something wrong with me?

  2. I wouldn't worry. As long as you like The Smiths you should be just fine. Unless, of course, you don't like The Smiths, in which case a psychiatric intervention might be necessary. ;-)

  3. Heh, I was a big fan back in the day... but I'm not sure they stand the test of time... guess I'm destined for a soft room. :)
    I'm currently stuck on The Decemberist' "The Crane Wife" beautiful beautiful melancholia.

  4. Hey great blog!
    I was looking for music and i've find robots !? and i like it.

    Nice one Reckoner video. I love them.

  5. Mac, that's a really great video, it slipped by me somehow. I totally agree with you, that might be the best song on the album!

  6. "Reckoner" immediately got under my skin (in a good way) after buying the album and giving it a good listen (on my MP3 player while drinking coffee, which I've found to be an effective way to test-drive a new record). Runners-up: "Bodysnatchers" and "Nude."
