Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The flying car

Without recent advances in flexible wing technology, the idea would barely have got off the ground. New aerodynamic profiles and materials make it possible to lift a vehicle weighing 1,500lb and passengers without dangerous instability.

"This thing will launch itself without any pilot input," says Cardozo. “You just open it up and it goes. The more power you put on, the faster you go until you come off the ground [at 35mph]. The wing will basically lock above you [once airborne] and stay there, without weaving, at speeds of up to 80mph."


  1. Ha! People have been going nuts over this thing on the powered paraglider forums at yahoo for about a week now. It is designed by Parajet, the same team that made one of the first powered paragliders on the market. It's apparently got a ballistically-deployed reserve chute for emergencies.

    I'll stick with my paragliding trike for now, and buy a flying car when I win the lottery!

  2. I kind of figured you'd be hip to this!

  3. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Huh. Well, if it works, then I guess it is a skycar.

    "Just ask Paul Moller, the Canadian engineer whose four-seater Skycar is still at the prototype stage after 40 years and more than £100m of development."

    Moller must, or should be, jealous...

  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Flying car...that's stretching it! Dune buggy-para-glider suicide machine, would be an apt description.


  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "Dune buggy-para-glider suicide machine..."

    Ha! Well, yeah.

    Goes into local dealership:

    "I'd like one of your flying deathtrap machines, please. Yes, and with the kandy-colored, streamlined, metal-flake blood-red paint job. Thanks. Now, to infinity and beyond! Whoa...!"

  6. Cant see the flying car market taking off(intended) until we crack the gravity puzzle and make it out bitch (anti-grav vehicles).

    Or until we are told about what is already known.

  7. Anonymous7:25 PM

    early 21st century bumper sticker for the slow commute to work:

    "Where's my damn flying car?!?"

  8. I still like the way this sucker looks.

  9. "Flying deathtrap!"

    Funny, some people said the same thing about balloons and airplanes a little over a century ago.
