Sunday, November 30, 2008

I like Barack Obama; I suspect his presidency will be a profoundly good thing for both the US and its allies. But Alex Grey's rendering strikes me as self-parodic and creepily messianic, the stuff of dystopian fever-dreams.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    I reckon Barack will lead to the downfall of the USA...

  2. As regards "leading to the downfall of the USA", I think Bush pretty much cornered that market. The picture itself is crazy, like seeing Obama through the eyes of a NWO paranoniac like David Icke!

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Hey Mac..hope you don't mind a shameless plug for a kindred spirit.
    I can't remember where you live,but I know you get about a bit.Jeff Wells is having a book launch at Conspiracy Culture in Toronto Wednesday Dec 17, 7 to 9 pm. The address is 1696 Queen St. W. Toronto.
    I know he likes your work - it would be fantastic to see a five minute conversation between the two of you.

  4. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Another example of why I don't care for Alex Grey's work.


  5. Conrad--

    I'd love to go! I've never seen Toronto, and it's definitely on my list. Unfortunately, I'm in Kansas City, Missouri and don't see how I can possibly make it.
