Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm up late surfing YouTube. This one's pretty good:


  1. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Nice CGI blur and distortion filter effects.

  2. I think this is the same filmmaker I linked to at ufomystic on a post from June 8th, but that one has apparently been removed!


  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    rumours has it that a "physical altercation" took place between a "grey" and a government "S4" employeee around the Papoose lake bed near Area 51 according to physicist Bob Lazar, who was back-engineering a mysterious saucer craft at the time at S4.... (in other words, a fight broke out).... this is gotta be the dumbest alien story that I have ever heard....

  4. Anonymous6:09 PM

    It's so-so. Still, for those who've had the misfortune to see these creatures up close and personal, it's so fake looking.

    Here, the head is much too small, the eyes too are small, the nose and mouth are much too large, the shoulders and arms are too human and the chest, trunk and legs are too meaty.

    This things look more insectlike than humanoid.

    - Susie

  5. Susie--

    Have you ever done a sketch?
