Friday, November 07, 2008

So Little Time, So Much Damage

President Bush's aides have been scrambling to change rules and regulations on the environment, civil liberties and abortion rights, among others -- few for the good. Most presidents put on a last-minute policy stamp, but in Mr. Bush’s case it is more like a wrecking ball.

There's really only one word to describe the mind behind this, and it's most definitely NSFW.


  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    NSFW: Fuck! Perpetual, corrupt neo-con assholios! Don't they ever give up being anti-human? And why aren't these genocidal, anti-life creeps soon to be serving life terms in prison? Well, one can only hope...oh--that's right--the U.S., under the Bushite admin, declined to be a signatory to the World Court. Imagine that. Almost as if they had planned not to, for some reason(s)...

    Even under an Obama admin., it's most probable that these fantastic criminals will go completely scot-free, to idly sip their corporate martinis in semi-retirement. Now, that's injustice, and shows just how deeply dysfunctional our political system status quo truly is and will remain. What a damn downer...

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    The only positive thing I can find to say about the last 8 years, is that we seem to be moving away from some of the destructive attitudes and actions that have characterized it.


  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    The language is NSFW, huh? And yet actually doing something about it is somehow Not Safe for Mac. You are such a gutless twit.

  4. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Layoff, anon. From the number of times, under varying posts, you've made your opinion known, I think we get the gist of your take on Mac's position. Besides, you don't know if he ended up voting or not.

    So, resorting to a kind of nasty, personal angle, and repeating it, is gettin' kinda tired, and old. OK?

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Ok. My passion got the better of me and I wish I did not make it personal. But didn't Mac invite this by raising it in the first place?

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Dear Passionate Anonymous,

    We who gather here do so at the largesse of our host. We meet here and discuss subjects from the sublime to the absurd. We agree and often disagree, but usually in a civil manner and usually we identify ourselves, at least in some way.

    Mac not only shares opinions and theories, but in many ways his life's journey. He is not anonymous, and as such opens himself up for the scrutiny of others, for better or worse.

    It seems to me from your posts, you take great issue with the present administration of our government and therefore it would follow that you also have disagreement with the methods by which they have governed. I would include among those methods, the anonymous personal and viscous attack. I would ask that you consider the comparison with your post (gutless twit). It doesn't need to be this way, we can change it....yes we can!

