Sunday, November 02, 2008

This is perhaps the most wincingly delicious prank call I've ever heard.


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh, man. That Palin--dumb or what?

    Lipstick on a dunce?

  2. Incredibly, epically, almost unbelievably dumb. She fully deserves any embarrassment or humiliation this prank almost certainly caused.

  3. Anonymous1:36 AM

    I read her campaign surrogates claim that she was "mildly amused" about being pranked. Emphasis on the "mildly." Oh, you betcha!

    If for nothing else, McCain's cynical decision to choose Palin for VP candicacy, attempting to divide the Demo's/women's supposed preference for Hillary to sleazily garner a significant percentage of their votes for himself, and to play up the tired pseudo-meme of being a "maverick" (yeah, right, and Bush is a cowboy) proves just how comparatively unqualifed to be President McCain truly is.

    What an obvious bad joke his party is. I sometimes refer to them as the Repugnantliecon Party.

    Hmmm... I may have just birthed a minor meme with that invented term, myself. 8^}

  4. Anonymous1:42 AM

    "Ooh! Piece of candi[cacy]!" --animated James Woods character from Family Guy

    Ulp! Meant "candidacy," above. Garsh! 8^}

  5. What? W doesn't spend his free moments ropin' bulls?

  6. Anonymous2:49 AM

    No, he just shits bears in the financial woods of his febrile "mind." I heard it from the Pope. Trust me.

  7. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Does anyone else wanna poke themselves in the retina with a shampoo-laden chopstick when they hear Palins voice - or is it just me?

  8. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Might be more effective to use such chopsticks on the ears as opposed to the eyes, but yeah, I know what you mean.

  9. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I was thinking that the pain would force the sound out of my brain. But yeah, the ears probably makes more sense.

  10. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Some respect please.
    This could be your nect vice-president. Second in command of... THE WORLD.
