Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dashboard Tree

What is that growing on my car dashboard? Is that a tree? Indeed, Ford and Honda's next-generation dashboard instrument clusters feature trees (a vine in Ford's case) that grow more lush as drivers maximize their fuel economy. Leaves grow like crabgrass in springtime if you use a light touch on the accelerator and go easy on the brakes.


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    It's design ideas like this that make me want to stick needles in my eyes.


  2. I actually like the idea -- in principle. Having a CGI tree on the dashboard of my actual car is another matter (not to mention a possible distraction).

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    My Civic Hybrid has multiple gauges on the dash to show current mileage being achieved along with the overall average. That combination is practical and makes sense, a vine growing is just silly, that's my point!


  4. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Have you noticed how oil companies advertise with stuff like: "The environment is our number one priority (in the meantime, do keep buying our gas)."
