Saturday, January 03, 2009

Ah, the writing life.


  1. Anonymous3:34 AM

    dudivie, try making a coherent, relevant comment, please.

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    This is a clip from the movie version of William S.Burroughs book "Naked Lunch." You should watch the whole movie (or read the book.) It's a trip.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I wish my typrewriter had a unit like that. On second thought......

    Hey, is Judy Davis supposed to be some
    version of Jane Bowles?

  4. Anon.--

    Never fear. Dudivie's "comments" are being systematically purged.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Saw the comments disappearing as I was about to type this. :)

    Thx for reminding me to see this movie again, one of my all time favorites. (And that list is short, considering I'v seen A Lot of movies.)
    Sad that there's only few people I could admit this to. ;)

  6. You should watch the whole movie (or read the book.) It's a trip.

    Believe me, I have. Burroughs is one of my favorite writers.

    Hey, is Judy Davis supposed to be some version of Jane Bowles?

    Yep. The movie plays fast and loose with biographical detail; it's essentially hallucination with a few pliant roots in reality.

  7. I'd forgotten that scene...makes me a bit leery to delve into writing any more erotica. ;o)

    I haven't seen that movie since it was first released. Might have to see if I can pick it up somewhere.
