Friday, February 27, 2009

Singularity-mongers, take note.

Still waiting for your metaphorical flying car? Author and disciplined futurist Charles Stross wants a few words with you:

Assuming we avoid a systemic collapse, there'll probably be a moon base, by and by. Whether it's American, Chinese, Indian, or Indonesian is anybody's guess, and probably doesn't matter as far as the 99.999% of the human species who will never get off the planet are concerned. There'll probably be a Mars expedition too. But barring fundamental biomedical breakthroughs, or physics/engineering breakthroughs that play hell with the laws of physics as currently understood, canned monkeys aren't going to Jupiter any time soon, never mind colonizing the universe.


  1. Anonymous4:47 AM

    To paraphrase William Gibson:

    The apocalypse is already here--it's just not evenly distributed. Yet.

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Vertical farms? Space colonization? The Singularity? Politics? Religion?
    If we are to survive, it's not gonna be because of them.

    Q: Are we going to survive?
    A: No — in the long run, we are all dead.

    Well, we've got another three, or maybe five billion years to go before it's really time to get of this planet. That much we know for sure.

  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "The apocalypse is already here, it's just not evenly distributed Yet" -- Gibson

    please consult the "Trinity And Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" narrated by William Shatner....

  4. Well, we've got another three, or maybe five billion years to go before it's really time to get of this planet. That much we know for sure
