Wednesday, February 18, 2009


First liquid water may have been spotted on Mars

Phoenix lander may have captured the first images of liquid water on Mars - droplets that apparently splashed onto the spacecraft's leg during landing, according to some members of the Phoenix team.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    LMAO! Noooooo....really?

    The pace at which these guys move, spoon feeding us to the big reveal is PAINFUL!

    Its been fairly well established for the last 15 years or so that there are very large bodies of standing, liquid water on Mars. There's an astounding visual record here that speaks for itself and you can be damn sure they have better pics of those regions.

    I'm not being conspiratorial either. As I've said in the past I think its a case of scientific pride, ego, arrogance and plain old bureaucracy keeping us from the truth. It absolutely kills them to admit that maybe, just maybe all those "internet armchair exogeologists/" may actually be right about one or two things. Add to that a layer of Brookings Institute idiocy and you have a recipe for snails pace disclosure on issues we all have a right and a need to know.


  2. Its been fairly well established for the last 15 years or so that there are very large bodies of standing, liquid water on Mars.

    I'd have to disagree with you on that one. While I don't think this is our first evidence of extant liquid water, I don't think we've detected "very large bodies of standing, liquid water." My guess is that liquid water, while almost certainly present on the Martian surface, is confined to small, fairly isolated puddles.

    Of course, that's not to say we're not in for a surprise.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Let me dig up some info for you Mac. You'd be hard pressed to interpret some of these photos for anything else (or at least without making the explanation sound more ridiculous than the alternative).

    I have no doubt there is liquid water on Mars in substantial quantities (lakes mostly). But I'm also one of those kooks who thinks there is equal evidence supporting active vegetation on Mars (in select areas). That's the kind of thing people generally can't wrap their minds around ;)


  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I have to dig through my archives for the really juicy stuff but there are a few good examples online. I don't generally trust the interpretations but there's some pretty strong visual evidence here of potential liquid bodies:

  5. I found images like these quite compelling as potential liquid water on Mars (from Mac Tonnies own Mars pages):

    (half way down page)

    Also, Denny, vegetation:

  6. Hmmmmm

    This image here:

    ...looks almost too good. Have the colours been tweaked? Its quite an amazing if genuine.
