Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Malmstrom AFB UFO case

At UFOMystic, Greg Bishop discusses his conversation with Cap. Robert Salas, witness to one of the most significant UFO cases in Cold War history.

The Malmstrom Air Force Base case remains one of the most puzzling UFO incidents on record; self-appointed debunkers fail to address it because it continues to defy explanation.

(I met Salas in 2006 during the filming of Paul Kimball's "Best Evidence" and briefly posed the possibility that the notorious missile shutdown had been perpetrated by an indigenous intelligence concerned for its own welfare. Salas dismissed the idea, and perhaps rightly so.)


  1. You say "and perhaps rightly so", and in one sense this is true. We don't know whether the notion of an indigenous anti-nuclear intelligence is something to take seriously or point at and laugh.

    But the fact remains that there appears to be some sort of non-human intelligence engaging this planet, and the idea that this is an indigenous intelligence seems just as reasonable as the extraterrestrial hypothesis, or anything else people might come up with.

    It troubles me that Salas dismissed the idea so quickly. I guess it could be argued that this guy has had never really entertained the idea that what happened that night - if non-human - was from an extraterrestrial source. And has therefore indoctrinated himself to the ETH for the last 30-40yrs. But its disappointing that someone like Salas isn't more open minded about the potential origin of this phenomenon.

  2. @Gareth

    I definitely had the impression that Salas equated the UFO phenomenon with ETs. I don't think he'd ever really contemplated alternatives; and as a nuts-and-bolts military man, I don't blame him.

    Still, like you said, the ultimate origin for the UFO mystery is still "up the air."

    Pun intended.

  3. If the end of my post didnt really make sense, its because

    "I guess it could be argued that this guy has had never really entertained the idea that what happened that night - if non-human - was from an extraterrestrial source."

    was supposed to say

    "I guess it could be argued that this guy has really only ever entertained the idea that what happened that night - if non-human - was from an extraterrestrial source."
