Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis

In the following essay, Paul Kimball laments the dogmatic insistence that UFOs are "merely" the vehicles of inquisitive extraterrestrials. I share his reticence.

Unlike Paul, I've come to disagree with the prevailing Fortean conceit that the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis is the best hypothesis for "real" UFO reports; I view the phenomenon as a manifestation of consciousness that we have no way of fully understanding until we dispense with the misguided hope of remaining objective observers. In my opinion, the UFO phenomenon is but one facet of an overarching enigma with implications that promise to dwarf the question of ET visitation, perhaps even dealing a blow to the underpinnings of Western thought.

That said, I think Paul and I agree on more than a little when it comes to the heavily mythologized certainties handed down from ufology's dubious "Golden Age."

The Myth of the ETH as ETFact

However, it's critical to remember that the key letter in ETH is the "H" - it's still just a hypothesis, and anyone who tells you that they can prove that aliens have visited Earth beyond a reasonable doubt, or even on the balance of probabilities, is putting the cart well before the horse.

[. . .]

This is what I call "Keyhoe-ian" ufology, because it is based directly on the way of thinking that Major Donald Keyhoe first put forward in the 1950s. It is out-of-date, and badly out-of-touch with modern science. It presumes that aliens are only a few decades, or maybe one or two hundred years or so more advanced than us, which is highly unlikely. It presumes that the aliens are preoccupied with us, and that we are somehow important to them, which is also highly unlikely. In short, it is a point of view that is based on what people who grew up in the pioneering days of sci-fi and the space race expect of their aliens, and not the point-of-view that modern physicists and astrobiologists take.


  1. I think Paul and I agree on more than a little when it comes to the heavily mythologized certainties handed down from ufology's dubious "Golden Age."

    Indeed! :-)

    I would add that with each passing year, I find it less and less likely that UFOs are some form of extraterrestrial spacefarers, simply because I see no reason why they would not have made contact by now, or at the very least seem to feel compelled to hide / disguise their presence. As you suggest, I think the phenomenon, should it have a paranormal dimension, is far more complex than simple nuts-and-bolts spacecraft, although I don't yet rule out that possibility.


  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Whether genetic freaks from the future, robotic drones or a distinctly unique species, the gross majority of reports indicate that these beings interact on a physical level.

    I have to (because I have no choice really) rely on the data coming from military insiders, astronauts, disclosure advocates, FOI documents and yes even good ol abductee's, which collectively form a fairly consistent picture of the UFO enigma. I think there's more evidence supporting the ET hypothesis than there is for any other interpretation (although mutated, soulless screw-ups from our own future is right up there).


  3. @Paul Kimball

    I would add that with each passing year, I find it less and less likely that UFOs are some form of extraterrestrial spacefarers, simply because I see no reason why they would not have made contact by now, or at the very least seem to feel compelled to hide / disguise their presence.

    I disagree with you on this. I think open contact would be disastrous -- for both parties -- and it's conceivable that an ETI would realize this.

  4. I believe there’s a “natural” component to the phenomenon, one that accounts for some similar types of UFO events over human history. The cause might be some type of random, unstable field that pops in and out of existence (not necessarily a portal to a parallel universe) that plays havoc with human brain functioning. Although that wouldn’t explain all events. Some do seem to be intelligent interventions. But even for these, it doesn’t logically follow that ETs are responsible. In fact, the ET explanation often seems just too easy.

    As for all those black triangles, given the timeframe of the first rash of sightings I believe they’re the military hardware that replaced the SR-71.
