Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mars and the probability of life

Life Beyond Earth in 10 Years or Less?

Peter Smith feels pretty certain we'll be finding life on Mars within the next decade.

Smith, the University of Arizona professor who led NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission, made his predictions to a spellbound audience during a lecture at the University of Delaware earlier this month, and he discussed his ideas by phone on Thursday. He carries a "sense of optimism" about finding life on Mars, he said, because of the tantalizing clues Phoenix sent to Earth.

[. . .]

"I think the next decade is a very active time for searching for signatures on Mars," he said, "and my personal belief is we'll find them."

I'll make an even bolder statement: If we haven't conclusively established the presence of life on Mars within the next decade it won't be because it's not there; it will simply indicate that we're not trying hard enough.


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

    I'll make an even bolder statement that that: I think that in the next decade we'll even discover the remains of what was once an intelligent presence on Mars.

    Ken Y.

  2. @Ken

    Of course, there's the possibility that we've *already* discovered it.

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    even bolder:

    we have discovered it already in 70's through Viking experiments :)
