Thursday, April 16, 2009

Part of me sincerely hopes this isn't a hoax.

But the other part is rather insistent that it must be.


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I had a dream like that when I was 12.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    A hoax for sure, but funny non-the-less. Sort of a vagina breast monster.


  3. Alas - this is a hoax, albeit a charming one.

    It's 2009, and this looks like it was done as a playful prank. But, The quality is pretty great.

    There was no such thing as this sort of prank just a few short years ago. The question I ponder is - What are we to expect a few short years from now? What will the dedicated prankster come up with as computer imagery gets more and more realistic?

    And - even more frightening, what sort of mass delusions will the population be subjected to by the controlling elites?

  4. brushwood11:52 AM

    A very obvious fake.

  5. I expect it will be starring in it's own badly dubbed film coming to a theater near you soon.

  6. I think they'd make great pets!

  7. @Michael

    The key question: Was it a good dream?

  8. Ha, what really makes this video is the crazy reaction sounds the guys keep making. Plus the fact the creature is like an escaped special effect from Cronenberg's Naked Lunch film.

  9. @Tristan

    Yeah, I was reminded of something out of a Burroughs novel too. Frankly, it looks like an eccentric sex toy (a la the "LoveLump" I blogged recently).

    And yes, the idiotic noise the guys make is pretty damned surreal in its own right.

  10. Anonymous12:51 AM

    'sphincterius', 'big ole gina-buttholeboob', 'iki-buta-man' dangerous creature...

  11. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Might be an improvement for the blogger avatar picture that a lot of people seem to be using here.
