Friday, June 19, 2009


Have a few moments to spare? Of course you do. And what better way to spend them than constructing your own Eno-esque soundscapes with ToneMatrix?

If images are your thing (and you're on Twitter), try playing with Portwiture, an experimental app that translates your text input into images. (To see my own Twitter stream visualized, click here.)

[Follow me on Twitter.]


  1. JL_Frost5:31 PM

    Great finds, and great fun. Played with ToneMatrix after your tweet about it, then went on to the developers full audio app, "AudioTool", which is linked at the bottom of the ToneMatrix panel. What an amazing, and free, piece of work. An entire virtual studio with drag and drop digital instruments. Had to unwillingly stop after 2 hours of multiple synths, and rhythm machines, made me late for an appt. You can even record and save your work.

    The Portwiture app is interesting, and tells me I drink to much coffee. Damn.

  2. I didn't even realize there was a free studio available for download. Thanks for the heads-up!

  3. Thanks for your article, quite useful piece of writing.
