Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Future shock

Case study: Electric shock therapy in China for internet 'addiction'

"I admit the internet can be quite alluring and sometimes I would use it all day, but if I had other things to do – like playing basketball – I wouldn't use it at all," he said.

"Then my mum saw the adverts on television. They demonised the internet and after watching them she believed I was sick and it was very serious."

He was given ECT for the first time when he resisted admission to the clinic.

"I can't remember how many times [they gave me shocks], but it must have been dozens. They would let me rest for a while then give me another. The session lasted about half an hour," he said.

This reads like a scene from "Brazil," had the world of Brazil had the Net.

[Follow me on Twitter.]


  1. FASCISTS!!!

    PS: And I'm guessing that the woman is the addict in that pulp art, 'cause you never saw a junkie portrayed wearing a tie until the 1980s :-P

  2. Do you know who the author, "William Lee," is . . . ?

  3. *Wikying*

    Well, what do you know? Guess it's always better to fuel creativity through personal experience! ;-)

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