Monday, July 06, 2009

John Keel (1930-2009)

This morning I logged onto Twitter to discover that Fortean adventurer John Keel, author of "The Mothman Prophecies," died on July 3. Keel was ufology's own Man In Black, a genuine iconoclast who wedded scientific humility with ideas too strange even for the UFO community. (Keel has been a considerable influence on my own ideas about the "paranormal"; this blog is littered with references to his notion of the "electromagnetic superspectrum" from which seemingly occult forces materialize and vanish, adapting to our belief systems with such tenacity that few -- if any -- of us are ever the wiser.)

Fellow Keelians Greg Bishop and Nick Redfern offer their own remembrances here and here.

[Follow me on Twitter.]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    About a week before I read of John Alva Keel's passing, I finished re-reading his UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse.

    Maybe he now knows the origins of the ultraterrestrials.
