Sunday, July 19, 2009

Killing machines

Futurist Jamais Cascio on the advent of robotic soldiers: "At what point do we give the ability to make a killing decision to a machine? The first organization to use robotic soldiers may well be the last."

Jamais Cascio segments from That's Impossible: Real Terminators from Jamais Cascio on Vimeo.

(Hat tip to Sentient Developments.)

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  1. And the saddest thing about it? Is that killing robots are following the fate of nuclear bombs: Governments are spending money in developing them, because everybody else is doing it. Nobody wants to stop and think about what we're trying to do by creating AI, for fear of staying behind.

  2. to me this is totally impossible, you must to take into account the three robotic laws, but well the laws are made it to be broken, in fact some persons could programming a robot with the guideline to kill people.

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