Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Link-dump #11

Orthon's Asemic Footprint?

Evolution producing more 'beautiful' women

Preserving spacesuits and Tranquility Base

New Taser device can shock 3 people without reload

Evolution machine speeds up search for better bugs

Declassified Ice Loss Images

[Follow me on Twitter.]


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Evolution producing more 'beautiful' women"

    Define beautiful. Big boobs? Who were the people that decided who's beautiful and who's not and what were their criteria and how much of all that was spoon fed by advertising?
    These days what I see in ads, magazines etc I don't call beautiful, it's more like getting close to what they call uncanny valley. I don't subscribe to this definition of beautiful.

    Looks like it's time to PROCREATE! to stem the tide. ;)

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