Thursday, July 30, 2009

Robot on the run

I half-expected this bot to smack the woman in the initial sequence. Apparently it hasn't figured out how to hack its Asimovian programming -- yet.

More . . .

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  1. Interesting how the body of the robot is getting thinner but the backpack isn't. I suppose it must contain not only the computers and batteries but possibly counterweights.

    I saw an Asimo once in real life, here at one of the Asimo shows in Atlanta. I had a few joyous moments when everything I dreamed of was right in front of me. I heard the sound of the future -- whirring servomotors. Right in front of me. It was sublime.

    Aunty Proton

  2. The knees are too bent.

    ...Which reminds me: I always thought it was odd how on the old accounts of CEIII, witnesses reported the humanoid visitors as incapable of bending the knees.

  3. kcotae12:01 PM

    "Its" face looks just like an grey alien!

  4. @kcotae

    You're right!

  5. Whenever I watch demos like this, they make me think of how the human motions we take for granted are ergonomically necessary. The robot's arms swing the way they do not just because the designers are trying to mimic human motion, but because they NEED to for the machine to stay balanced, just as evolution and physics have determined that ours must.

  6. It works pretty well. One of the best demos I have seen.

  7. I completely tie in with whatever thing you have printed.

  8. Anonymous7:49 PM

    hot baby

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