Saturday, July 25, 2009

The "women in tubes" meme goes steampunk.

It was inevitable, really.

[Follow me on Twitter.]


  1. I don't call what I do steampunk - it's missing both steam and punk, in fact - but I appreciate the mention!

  2. Your point is well-taken. I used "steampunk" in a deliberately broad, retro-futuristic sense.

  3. As we get old and crotchety we begin to worry about things like the dilution of words :).

  4. Pretty neat.I've always enjoyed the mix of Art Deco and Futuristic elements; the fact that Bioshock 2's release got delayed has me at the edge of mental breakdown :-/

    Speaking about women in tubes, how about commenting on this recent news? Technically speaking, these STILL constitute women in tubes —linen ones, though ;-)

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