Friday, September 04, 2009

Baby universes, white holes and parallel worlds

Physicist Michio Kaku expounds on the prospect of parallel universes in this short, insightful discussion.

Could the UFO phenomenon represent visitors from parallel worlds? I find the notion at least as palatable as the more popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.

(Thanks to Reality Carnival.)

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  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "Could the UFO phenomenon represent visitors from parallel worlds? I find the notion at least as palatable as the more popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis."

    If by the use of the term parallel worlds you refer to interdimensional visitors, how do you think that theory compares in potential validity to the cryptoterrestrial hypothesis or ETH? Do you lend them equal potential validity or do you favor one over the other?

    To what degree, if any, based on whatever circumstantial evidence seems most valid to you, does the CTH suggest or imply a form of non-human intelligence, even if derived from earth origins, that such a form of intelligence may have the ability to itself transmute spacetime? And if so, do you think such an advanced intelligence would, if that capacity existed, be able to do so via some external technology, or as an even more advanced potential, do so directly as part of an internal inherent capability?

    In other words, how far advanced and how developed is the CTH in considering entities that don't employ technology as we do or know of it, but rather could have the inherent ability to manipulate spacetime, appear at will and as willed, or otherwise have the capacity to "shape-shift" or display appearance and behavior as part of an internal biologic or quantum capability?

    Just wondering whether your current take on the CTH leads you to favor some form of corporeal entity using advanced technology OR possibly lean toward something even more advanced, that might even be able to transit space, time, dimensions, etc., as more or less likely, given the circumstantial evidence and clues, and how and why you would favor one hypothesis or interpretation over the other, i.e., on what basis?

    Perhaps you don't incline towards either, or that this is an unknowable, or false dichotomy, or that you have a third or alternative sub-theory, if you favor the CTH over the IDH or ETH, as to the form, nature or capabilities of the crypto-entities. Your thoughts?

  2. what was happening on the Moon and Earth before biological life?? Carl Sagan promoted the Cosmic Earth Calendar and life is only a really small dot on the last day.... this is a stirring consideration of the CTH earthly orgin (cryptoterrestrial hypothesis).... what kind paranormal phenomena occurred before biological life on earth, and what kind of paranormal phenomena occures on the moon??

  3. "Could the UFO phenomenon represent visitors from parallel worlds? I find the notion at least as palatable as the more popular Extraterrestrial Hypothesis."

    You agree with Edward "Billy" Meier, then? :-P

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    So many questions, so few answers. I guess it's all in the realm of speculation.

  5. yes, it's pure speculation....

  6. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Speculation or not, it would have been nice if Mac had responded to at least some of the initial questions from Anonymous, above, as the basic question of physical beings using advanced technology vs. 'non-physical' beings with certain powers is an interesting one, regardless of whether the ETH, IDH, or CTH, etc., are valid.

    Maybe he's saving his speculations for his book. When might that come out, anyway? Late spring or early summer of next year?

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