Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Transcendent machines

"Someone once said plants invented animals to carry them around. Well, I think the Earth invented human beings to build machines; and those machines will be the consciousness of the Earth. Have you not noticed that these machines are made of the Earth? They are made of gold and silver and arsenic and copper and iridium. They are the stuff of the Earth, organised by primate fingers into more complex arrangements than the Earth could achieve through geological folding, glaciation, volcanism, what have you. We do the fine-tuning; but the Earth is beginning to think."

--Terence McKenna

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  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Hope the earth want's to keep us around knowing the eons of abuse we have given it. Ohh poor earth don't cleanse us all

  2. LillyLyle2:31 AM

    There are days I feel like her, as if I'm coming apart at the seams.

    I like McKenna's comment. Who knows, maybe he's right. It's a theory, like everything else.

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I love this quote!! I love to freak my friends out with this idea. Thanks

  4. Wow good quote it really makes you think.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

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  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

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  7. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Nice stuff you got, very interesting to read. By the way a friend of mine who likes to get Viagra is making an essay about this interesting subject.

  8. Of course this is what is happening. Pretty dam obvious! The question is....who and what is building this machine to house consciousness. My answer is obviously the energy that currently guides those nimble human fingers - FEAR! And what does fear create....CONTROL! WAKE UP PEOPLE before this prediction becomes reality. Because once housed in a machine there will be no getting out whether it is from the restructuring of atoms or not.

    There is another way and that is for consciousness to live without the need for physical matter.So lets get on it NOW! We are so far behind the 8-ball that we can't even see the hypocrisy in the fact that we continue to murder and eat our animals friends - you bloody idiots! Say it the way it is and we just might wake up!

  9. merci pour votre article

  10. There is another way and that is for consciousness to live without the need for physical matter.So lets get on it NOW! We are so far behind the 8-ball that we can't even see the hypocrisy in the fact that we continue to murder and eat our animals friends
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  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "...we can't even see the hypocrisy in the fact that we continue to murder and eat our animals friends..."

    Yeah, when they stop eating each other and eating us, I'll stop eating them.

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