Saturday, October 10, 2009

I think it's about time for another dubious UFO video around here.

[Follow me on Twitter.]


Pharos said...

You sure that wasn't Tinkerbell?

I wish I knew what reporter was saying.

Mac said...

Tinkerbell or not, it looks hokey as hell.

Mike Clelland! said...

I have a new love in my life - that russian newscaster is HOT!

Unknown said...

Looks exactly like a laser pointer, including the slight trail it leaves on the image sensor from overexposure. That'd be a mighty small UAVor something otherwise, considering how close it is to the ground with no real reaction from people on the street.

Anonymous said...

I'm going with Jeff; a bug flying close (and out of focus) to the camera.

Mac said...


Remember the "gas station ghost" of a year or so ago?

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