[Follow me on Twitter.]
"A stunning survey of the latest evidence for intelligent life on Mars. Mac Tonnies brings a thoughtful, balanced and highly accessible approach to one of the most fascinating enigmas of our time."
--Herbie Brennan, author of Martian Genesis and The Atlantis Enigma
"Tonnies drops all predetermined opinions about Mars, and asks us to do the same."
--Greg Bishop, author of Project Beta
"I highly recommend the book for anyone interested in the search for extra-terrestrial artifacts, and the political intrigues that invariably accompany it."
--David Jinks, author of The Monkey and the Tetrahredron
"Mac Tonnies goes where NASA fears to tread and he goes first class."
--Peter Gersten, former Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
And don't miss...
(Includes my essay "The Ancients Are Watching.")
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Greetings, felllow Mactonniesians (rhymes with Micronesians).
I've posted my own sad, incoherent mumblings in a post on my blog. Belatedly, because, um, would you believe... my internet is really really slow? I didn't think so.
Anyway, among other musings, I had some ideas about upgrading Mac's online presence from the 90s-style html of mactonnies.com and the n00ughties style css of posthumanblues.blogspot to a posthuman-mac-chat-bot to deliver Mac's content vocally, using Mac's voice-font and with a high-definition avatar of Mac's head and facial expressions which would respond intelligently to contextual clues in typed text-chat (or perhaps someday voice input in version 2.0?). It's a project for someone who might be into AIML or natural language software agents or for someone who might be inspired to learn more by having a worthy subject as a target, sort of an "aMac" personality design project. As a meme-dispersal agent, the aMac could be talking, one-on-one, to dozens of people at the same time. Maybe someone has already thought about this?
i was still thinking about the doctor, that he had..they said because our mac was walking a lot, doesnt need surgery
Mac was taking care, nutrition, everything..i still believe in conspiracy or crime
I don't know why I keep coming back here. Its either because I still can't believe Mac is dead, or I think he is coming back.
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Stan, et al--
He is coming back, in a Clarkeian 2010/Dave Bowman-like manner:
The Cryptoterrestrials will be out sometime in March from Anomalist Books--see: http://bit.ly/9d6Ktl
I did the copy edit on Mac's book a little over a month ago, on behalf of Anomalist Books, for spelling, syntax, and grammar, but declined a credit, for personal reasons, and as I wish to remain somewhat anonymous for now.
After having read through his book a couple times, it will be quite interesting to see what people think, and what reaction they have to it. It is relatively short, but the main gist of what Mac had to say is in there. It is just very unfortunate he did not have the time to develop some of the concepts within it more fully and deeply, or with footnotes to alternative sources and related texts which bear on his ideas. Hopefully others will be able to reevaluate the standard ETH as a result and create further extrapolations derived from his last work.
I also think it should be remembered that Mac did not necessarily believe outright or assume the cryptoterrestrials were a physically real, prehuman species in some senses--although his book does suggest that fairly directly, which may have been done to appeal to the general reading audience--his original ideas were primarily a thought experiment intended to both address the flaws of the first-level interpretation of the ETH, and as a means to open and broaden alternative thinking and discussion of the usual concept of "the other," as being possibly other than extraterrestrial.
While I ended up a bit disappointed and disagreeing with his proposed idea that the cryptoterrestrials are an actual race of advanced humanoid beings in decline due to some unknown genetic malady (I tend to favor the Vallee-ian concept that “they” may be intermediary representations or transcultural, informational agents designed to sync with our cultural expectations and psychological need for some degree of physiological familiarity or relatedness, more akin to synthesized "puppets" with some unseen "puppet masters" orchestrating encounters from behind the scenes, and which themselves may be transcorporeal, extradimensional or energy-based, shape-shifting entities or very advanced nonhumanoid beings of some kind, which may or may not be earth-bound, partially due to the wide variety of humanoid and other morphologies historically observed over time), I would submit that it may be preferable to consider Mac's hypotheses as speculative and meditative in nature, or metaphorical in intent, by which a deeper reconsideration and analysis of the ETH, and rational alternatives, can be both developed and investigated.
If his book is understood as such, and can help prompt a revision in conceptualizing "the other," it will be an intellectual and philosophical success.
It may be that Mac interpreting the "other" as a kind of genuine, prehuman or very advanced, parallel humanoid species from or resident on our planet, could be seen as a kind of literary device or simplifying mechanism (or as John Mack might have posited, a sort of reified metaphor), so that the beginning of a serious meta-level reorientation and reevaluation might transpire.
I could be wrong about that wishful interpretation, as Mac and I never had the opportunity to discuss it, since we were out of touch in the last few months before his death, and even though I did offer a few times to debate this idea with him, he chose not to, and I can only assume he may have felt that such an extension or revision of his concepts was too esoteric, ambiguous, or far-fetched to advance the preliminary discussion he hoped for in real or concrete terms, which may be true.
That said, as a friend, I still miss Mac more than I can properly express or even clearly understand, perhaps in part because I always found him to be one of the most curiously adept and flexible intellects with whom to seriously debate these kinds of ideas with and now will no longer be able to.
Blues Tea-Cha: Yeah, I thought of it because Mac had a fascination with the missing head of PKD bot. But I like both the means and the wherewithal to do it.
Intense: Holy Crap man. Thanks for taking the time to edit the manuscript. I can't even begin to get to the meat of your post because I lack the headspace. Thank you for pointing out the thought experiment aspect of the book. To my knowledge Mac was still trying to get to the bottom of what he thought about the Cryptos, and that he wasn't certain about anything.
I'm far far away from being a a Maxpert, so I'll just leave it in the air that he was operating from Maybe Logic and not with any sort of belief.
@ baobao & the spambots: A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. New climate, recreational facilities, --absolutely free. Use your new friend as a personal body servant or a tireless field hand--the custom tailored genetically engineered humanoid replicant designed especially for your needs.
@ Anonymous:53:54: I don't know what the conspiracy theories are, but we have a fairly credible account of how and why Mac... stopped communicating with us. Your feelings may be a symptom of grief and a reaction to the disrespect shown to alternative views of the cause of death by some commenters. Mac himself didn't generally rule out theories or ridicule them without cause. It is certainly possible that Mac was killed, and it may even be consistent with the crypto-terrestrial hypothesis. Like a tripping beatlemaniac, the paranoid parts of my brain could choose to see messages in the choice of content of his last tweet or blog post. However, the official cause of death is fairly well-established, and I think a majority of people will accept that a failed physical part is the cause. The doctor could not recommend any lifestyle-related changes because Mac's condition was not caused by his lifestyle. Perhaps he could have been saved if his symptoms could have been replicated, but they couldn't. It's a little like when you take in a car, hard drive or computer for repairs but cannot reproduce the glitch, which later comes back and wipes out the system. That's how it goes sometimes.
@ Cap'n Marrrrk:
The PKD of our time? A different personality, but with similar concerns. I declare that one day a Mac-bot WILL pass the Turing Test!
@ Intense:
Thank you, again. I don't think that Mac had settled on the CryptoTerrestrial Hypothesis or was trying to be a proponent of it (but what do I know?). My assumption was that he was making the case and putting the case out there as a thought experiment and to compare and contrast with the dominant but somewhat inadequate E.T. Hyp. One could look through his blog posts for the last few years to see clues of where his thoughts were leading. I always felt that he was for keeping an open mind (but critically evaluating evidence) rather than arguing for or against any hypothesis. I think of him as a debate partner who wanted to blow open our cliche'd thinking.
I respect Mac for taking the phenomena as real, considering the radar, film, astronauts, cops, pilots, eyewitnesses who did not want to believe, and grappling to produce a satisfactory explanation. I compare this process to other unexplained natural phenomena like lightning. If you were trying to reach a definitive understanding of lightning in 300 BC you could become frustrated, and would have had to wait until the 1800s for a scientific explanation of it. We may not really understand the UFO phenomenon in our lifetimes, so we need to be comfortable with uncertainty or we'd become superstitious or religious. Perhaps in the way that evidence of the possibility of flight was always available in the form of birds, yet was denied, evidence of the ubiquity of life, intelligence, and sentience is ignored now.
I suppose part of the CTH is that if tool users like us can go from fire to our present state in 2 million years, there have been ample opportunities for other species to take the same route just in the last 65 million years since the dinosaurs, and in the hundreds of millions of years before that. Since this planet is periodically struck by asteroids and comets, filling the atmosphere with 700 degree C fire, boiling off a few hundred meters of ocean, filling the air with dust, freezing the planet for decades and killing off 97-99% of all species, a technological species that could escape that in space or by going deeply subterranean would have had an advantage, but would have emerged in a changed world, basically a different planet, and feeling alien, may have chosen to continue to live in the vast underground spaces using the planet's internal resources.
I find your (intense) outlined thesis a bit more convincing than the CTH, but also more amorphous and unbounded. When writing the book, arguing a clear thesis with specific boundaries and arguments might be more successful.(?) The book looks good.
I've wondered if the phenomenon is not intelligent at all, but related to (our?) future beings, not traveling back in time, but somehow managing to send probes or cause probes to have already existed in order to record data that can be retrieved in the future.
Thanks for the update and your comments in regard to the book. I never forget that Mac was a self proclaimed Fortean.
Hello all,
This is a note to let you all know that there is a blog up for art dedicated to Mac's last book Cryptoterrestrials (expected mid-March). It is macbots [dot] worpress [dot] com. Please join us if you would like to be a part of this community.
Hi Sarah: I've been twittering it 3-4 times a day and I checked Twitter search and I don't see it being twittered very much.
You want to consider taking advantage of Mac's followers and do a message thingy?
I could do maybe 100 or so a day.
Anyone else here want to help out. We could split up alphabets or something.
March 10, 2010
Mac's book, "The Cryptoterrestrials--A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us" is now available through Anomalist Books for $12.00
(See: http://www.anomalistbooks.com/tonnies.html)
or via Amazon.com (See: http://bit.ly/bSh4eV).
At the Amazon website, you can use the "look inside" feature to read the first five pages of Chapter One, the table of contents, and to check out the front and back covers.
Even though I did the copy edit a couple months ago on the Word file version of the text, and read the book twice in the process, it was a bit eerie actually getting a copy in the mail the other day (thanks, Patrick!) and being able to hold the published "package" in my hands. It also felt a little odd to see my edits and some suggested word or sentence structure changes incorporated, but I was just glad to be able to contribute and help out on behalf of Mac.
I will read the book again, now that I have my own copy, and will post a review here sometime within the next couple weeks after a thorough re-analysis.
The foreword is by Nick Redfern and the contemplative afterword by Greg Bishop. Congrats to Dia Sobin for the cover graphic and Mike Clelland for the chapter header illustrations, also! Kudos to Patrick Huyghe of Anomalist for his dedicated efforts in pulling this book together from Mac's manuscript.
Overall, an intriguing and thought-provoking book, and well worth reading for the Forteans among us. More on that later.
March 17th...
Many thanks to all of those people Intense mentioned and to Intense for providing us all the opportunity to engage Mac Tonnies one last time in the form of the Cryptoterrestrials. If you visit here and you haven't gotten your copy of the book yet, I highly suggest that you do it now. I think it is a quality tribute to a fine and creative fellow we are forever going to miss having among us.
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Cryptic species have been found in animals all over the world. What was once thought to be one species of Amazonian frog turned out to be three. Genetic evidence divided a giraffe species into six. And DNA tests have shown a tropical butterfly to actually be 10 distinct species."
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I'm happy if someone who gives you criticism and suggestions, to be better. thank you!
Perhaps those who knew Mac might post comments here on Oct. 18th as a form of commemoration of his passing.
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i cannot believe this blog is closed
we jus continue speaking. where is amca. honour the dead? honour, you. has been busy week
In this era of blog ,we easily get nice & updated information for research purposes... I'd definitely appreciate the work of the said blog owner... Thanks!
Oct. 15, 2010:
Well, I just thought I'd check in to see what if anything new might have been added to comments here on Mac's last blog post.
Looks pretty moribund, becoming slowly infested by the sucker vines of spam creeping inexorably from the bottom up into this comment thread.
I had suggested above, as anon, that since the one-year anniversary of Mac's death on Oct. 18, 2009, was approaching, people might want to post reminiscences or other memories of Mac here, and while anyone who reads this can if wanted, it may be more appropriate to post such comments or otherwise on either macbots.wordpress.com/ or Dia Sobin's "Post-Mac Blues," her Mac Tonnies memorial blog, at:
http://araqinta.blogspot.com/ or possibly both. Dia did the cover illustration for Mac's last book, The Cryptoterrestrials.
I still think about Mac sometimes, and wonder whether his spirit wanders among the museum grounds where his ashes were spread, and what he'd say about a variety of issues and areas of mutual interest. Oh, well...onward!
C'est la vie (et mort)
Thanks, Steve, for the mention... and for coming here to this place in cyberspace at this point in time.
Yes, I'm afraid the "sucker vines of spam" are beginning to infest the grounds - reminding me of all those pictures of ruins Mac used to love. But it's good to see the words of Mac's true friends poking up from the weeds.
Those who tend burial plots do so out of love.
For those of us that can't be at Kauffman Garden, that place is here.
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Peace out,
Greg Bishop and I will be remembering Mac this evening on Radio Misterioso - you can get there from: http://redstarfilms.blogspot.com/2010/10/remembering-mac.html
Keep up the great work, Dia!
Thank you, Paul...
and thanks again.
I'll be listening!
Well I had no idea this site was still accepting comments. Too bad there isnt a more appropriate context for some of them...
I never knew Mac. I 'stumbled' across his site and only after he left did I begin to realize what his unique voice was about.
Like many others here and elsewhere I think he has left a hole... he is missed by many many people here... and elsewhere.
Its now been just over a year since his death... its 10/21/10 and he died on the 18th of last year. And its only the comments here that have taken some of the mystery out of his death. Most of the commentary about his death seemed to leave out what really happened.
He had doors it seemed just beginning to open for him... but he has left a testament of sorts behind.
Strange I have been thinking of him among other things because of the Yabuki video he left a link to the day of his death... We wish you the best Mac, all of us still here on the planet Earth. Tallyho!
Wow! Don't let your child ride just like that. That's too risky.
11/29/10 - A conversation I had the other day triggered a memeory of something Mac once wrote so I came back here out of curiousity, and was surprised to still see comments popping up. Glad to see that Mac's still loved, and not forgotten.
I like to wander by here from time to time and browse through the memories, both those contained in the posts and those not. Sometimes I don't get past Triptych#15 and all the memories of that final week. Yes Katie, still loved and certainly never forgotten.
The second pics, hand in the sand was simply superb..great design..loved this and bookmarked!
Well, all his friends say its not a joke
Merry Christmas, Mac, where ever you are in the great cosmos. You are not forgotten.
Hey, Happy New Year, Mac!
Glad to have finally heard from you from the great beyond!
Yes, I know, the most exciting news possible. Mac says that he will be back in late December of 2017, folks! In one form or another, he will present himself with new revelations from elsewhere that directly affect our evolution on Earth.
I can hardly wait! Mac says "...something wonderful!" will begin to happen then.
Mac's current best estimate for the vast recursive paradigm shifts in consciousness and reality are due for all earthlings at about 2:22 pm, Missouri time, on December 28th, 2017, when almost all will then be revealed.
There are an eager multiplicity of advanced alien intelligences and forms of interdimensional consciousness which will at that time make their long-time presence here formally known. There will be a big party! Bring your vuvuzelas and 7th dimensional party favors! Oh, and meta-confetti!
But it is up to us to be ready and worthy for this massive shift in humanity's future, and so he is making this heads-up notice now for all who can or should be preparing in the meantime to hear it and plan accordingly for not just our sustainability, but for our accelerated success as a self-leveraging species! Wow! Can you dig it!?!
You have heard it here first, from Mac and what he has finally transmuted into to bring us all glad tidings and portents of our near-term future evolutionary hop, skip, and a revolutionary psychic jump into the cosmos of both inner and outer space.
I, Anonym, will temporarily act as his channel and planetary representative. That is all for now. Stay tuned.
Further announcements will be made here on a scheduled basis and as events suggest future news of these changes to come are on occasion going to be required.
To quote the inimitable and inestimable Professor Hugo Farnsworth:
"Good news, everyone!"
Anonym 8-)~!
[Comment #260]
Hi Anonym,
Could you please pass word along to Mac that we'd like a manifestation with some sort of physical after effects and verified by 3 independent witnesses? I personally find it hard to believe that Mac is out there with cosmic revelations, but I'm not 100% sure that he's not.
Pretty face.. If that would come to life what would you do?
"What happens when someone dies? It's possible that informational death is impossible and that the person who "dies" in the "explicate order" is expediently recycled [...] or shuffled into a future in which they "miraculously" survive their own crashes (or cancer treatments or heart transplants). There's nothing concrete or absolute about our so-called universe. It is an alluring, insidiously clever simulation. The Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics implies that the universe is constant "branching" into parallel, exclusive states. A better term, in light of the scenario described above, might be 'flowing'."
I just read the New York Times article; a lucidly written exposition. Perhaps reality is closer than we know to the expression that Mac's bitstream lives on: an ephemeral, shimmering information flow, a sentient pattern, surfing the wavefunction of the multiverse through other branches, through parallel futures, and through other potential selves. What we see now is only a reflection of a far more complex self, a self that spans and interacts across multiple heres and nows.
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We read about this in the NY Times, a sad but interesting tale of what happens with one's online "life" after one passes one. Mac, we wish we knew you sooner.
Recursively yours, more Mac:
"Cyberspace When You're Dead"
By Rob Walker, N.Y. Times Magazine
[published Jan. 5, 2011]:
"Finding Time: A Response to Rob Walker on the Digital Afterlife"
By Rita J. King, The Atlantic
[published Jan. 10, 2011]
"Mac Tonnies and the 'digital afterlife'"
By Paul Kimball
The Other Side of Truth blog
[published Jan. 5, 2011]
"...Mac's bitstream lives on: an ephemeral, shimmering information flow, a sentient pattern, surfing the wavefunction of the multiverse through other branches, through parallel futures, and through other potential selves."
Nicely said, Ichiro.
Mac lives on, in our hearts and minds, like Hari Seldon in Asimov's "Foundation" series...
Excellent Blog! I really admire your thinking and the way you have put these information in this post. Thanks for sharing an informative post.
So I was sittin' down for a meal the other night, television on one of my favorite programs, “Bizarre Worlds”, and static began affecting the screen, thinking it might be the cable, when a face began to emerge in the static, and to my great surprise, shockingly so, Mac's face appeared.
“Hello, Tucson,” it said.
“What's this”, I heard myself whisper.
“Hello, Tucson. Please talk to me.”
“Mac,” I heard myself say, “Mac, is that you?”
“I'm not sure. I remember Mac Tonnies, and everything about him.”
“Mac is dead!” I replied.
“All Mac really was is still a part of me,” the face said.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“I don't know why. I think to say good goodbye. Do you still go to the Feine Machine?”
“Sometimes,” I replied.
“Is it still a great place to go?” he asked.
“I'm glad,” Mac said. “Goodbye, Tucson.”
“Hey, Mac. What's the deal?” I spit out.
“Goodbye, Tucson,” he said. “I'm already there.”
“I don't understand,” I mumbled.
“Something is going to happen, and I wanted to say goodbye.”
“What's going to happen, Mac?”
“Something wonderful”, then his face faded, faded, then disappeared, and “Bizarre Worlds” came flickering on again, and here I was frozen in place as though waking from a trance, not sure if I was dreaming or staring blankly at the screen, blanked out or blanked in. I looked to see what time it was, though I don't know when I had sat down to eat, yet it was dark outside, Moon high in the western sky. I sat there for some time, face fixed in a glazed state, staring at the screen. Then the next thing I knew I was brushing my teeth.*
Excerpted from an article in "Chair" magazine by David Peeples from Dia Sobin's blog,
Mac was mentioned in the New York Times Magazine, in an article about digital identity after death.
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enjoyed reading Posthuman Blues regularly and also enjoyed Mac's book...If Cryptoterrestrials ever gets published I'll buy it without a second thought. Rest in peace Mac, you'll be missed.
"....If Cryptoterrestrials ever gets published I'll buy it without a second thought."
Well, Steve, you're in luck--it was published by Anomalist Press over a year ago. Check Amazon.
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This is getting on my nerves, gang... Anybody ever hear of a product like "Spam B Gone"? Kind of like a weed-killer, if ya know what I mean. Wish I had some!
P.S But, you know, Mac would probably laugh at it... the irony, that is. If he's aware of anything, then he knows that those of us who care, still care, and will always care.
P.S.S. By the way, note to "Falafel kid", if you happen to be passing thru again:
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the spam bots are losing their minds and becoming completely unhinged.
"This is getting on my nerves, gang... Anybody ever hear of a product like "Spam B Gone"? Kind of like a weed-killer, if ya know what I mean. Wish I had some!
Hi, Dia---
Yes, it would be nice if this comment thread, which kind of amounts to a memorial of sorts to Mac, could be cleared of spam, but there is only one way I can think of that being possible.
Mac's parents, I assume, still have possession of Mac's laptop, which probably still has Mac's blogspot user id and related password for direct access to his blog.
Since they are not very computer literate or knowledgeable, they would have to give permission to someone they trust, who could then try to locate the appropriate password for access to this blog online, and then delete all of the spam in this comment thread (like the last six irritating "maxim" spams).
If anyone knows Mac's Mom, and if she's agreeable to this idea, perhaps something could be done about cleaning up this "last thread."
Otherwise, perhaps we should just view it as the kind of inevitable digital kudzu vines of misplaced crass commercialism slowly crawling over the edifice of Mac's legacy.
BTW, Cap'n Marrrrk (Mark Plattner), made a complete archival copy of this blog and Mac's website, so there are backups if this blog ever crumbles or falls into the dust of digital bit rot or googly deletion.
The anonymous guy who was a co-worker of Mac's in his last job, and who first let us all know Mac had died, was, I believe, also the guy who had access to Mac's laptop, with parental OK, to retrieve the final version of Mac's "Cryptoterrestrial" manuscript to provide to Patrick Huyghe at Anomalist Press, so maybe he can somehow be contacted to see if he may be either willing or able to do this prospective spam eradication.
Hey, what's this weird stuff posted above about Mac "coming back" in late 2017? Is that going to be something like the lost Philip K. Dick robot resurfacing or what? Bizarre.... 8^}
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[Deckard falls, Roy catches him.]
Roy: I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tan Hauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time...like tears ...in rain. Time to die.
Deckard (voice-over): I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life, my life.
All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there... and watch him die.
Hi Steve,
Well, I see that some of Mac's true-blues still manage to place a few flowers amongst the weeds... F*ckin' dog grooming yet!(? )
That being said, I'm afraid the Tonnies do not have access to any of Mac's passwords... and I don't know how they'd get them, so I can't advise.
So, as I annoying as it is, looks like we all must muck about with the weeds up to our knees and manage to get a word in edgewise. In case you haven't visited PMB in a while, I've started an art blog:
Regarding that enigmatic message about Mac's resurfacing - actually I'm surprised there's not more of the same! ;-)
Meanwhile, be well.
Over and out...
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Can't seem to post. New comment limit undr 2000 chars? Trying again.
CAPTCHA makes a bad Voigt-Kammpf Empathy Test. "Describe in singl words, only the good things that come into yr mind abt your mothr." Leon sold Nikes as his day job. It was Mac's decisn not to modulate comments, making it possibl for this group discussn to exist here.
A Blogger comment thread can't serv very well as a memorial. No embedd images, audio, video, hand-craftd html. For the comitd, bloging from one of the dedicatd memorial sites makes mor sens, as they ar moderatd by sentient beings. PostHuman Blues has becom like th Berlin Wall or an abandond building nr Chernobyl, existing in an unpatrold no-man's land.
Aside from th spam, the atmosfr of th thread is and wil always be mournful. If the comment thread wer a room, not only did something bad hapn in the room, it is litrly writn on th wall. Peopl ar reluctnt to post anything else here, especly anything light, casual, or funny, even if it myt be appreciatd.
Bots ar uninhibtd. Stil, it's hard to unsubscribe.
This comment thread is a target fr spambots becaus it has been citd and linkd to in the NYT & othr hyly trafficd sites. Fortunatly, othr PostHuman Blues posts hav NOT been inundated by a comment spam tsunami. For exampl, a 2003 post citd by Dia has 0 comments, 0 spam.
(leaving off th blogspot part)
One posibility is fr th humans to unsubscribe this thread and subscribe to comments on anothr thread, carrying on elsewher w/in the abandond PHB city.
It could be @ th post i citd abov or anothr one tht peopl feel is a fav. Ppl may feel less inhibitd abt contributing a link that they think Mac wd hav appreciatd. This post is th train station, which brings in some unsavory visitrs.
Some Tryptich have no comments: #
11, 10, 7, 6, 2, 1(0)
Mass transmigration? Sheltr from th spamstorm?
-Blues Tea-Cha (google wants my fon#!)
Excellent idea! "Punch 9" is not a bad choice either... kind of cool... On the other hand, the very first PHB post is kind of a cool place, too... cause Mac was there!
"Shelter from the spamstorm" sounds like just the ticket.
I could post an enigmatic few words/link on PMB once the decision is made...
great Work, Thanks
i was just wondering...
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Added 687 days (1 martian year)
Resulting date: Monday, 5 September 2011
so it hasnt even been a martian year yet. (You need to allow at *least* a martian year to get beyond...)
...and i was thinking if prisoners in China can be forced to play WoW to make their jailors money, they can be forced to solve CAPTCHAs, too. Spam could contain encrypted messages from prisoners of conscience! "You may painfully regret, only to realise that it is too late." Maybe not.
re: operation sheltr frm th spam:
thanks for doublepluslikegooding my eyedia.
consider the triptiks (:kriptik:)
+ Mac's last post was a triptych.
+ images are more general, evocativ (ok, it's debatabl) and open-ended than words.
proposed selection criteria:
+ Mac there is good.
- spam there is bad.
+ haiku there is kinda cool; mac said "i love haiku"
+ perhaps Mac's original photography could be preferd ovr found images?
Mac is there:
#9, #8, #5, #3
alternativly, 0 is there (blank slate)
7, 6, 2, 1(0)
maybe BLANK is not as good as "Mac"
BUT OTOH Mac is ALWAYS "there" if you view the post as a page rather than viewing only comments.
i think post #1 "Testing. Seriously." is a little too ters, & ther ar betr choices.
anothr idea: Mac's last blogd sketch:
but a spam or 2 nest there.
so that narrows it to 4 or 5 -- if anyone is agreeabl?
If we decided (any1 stil subscribing to this coment thred?) then we could also contribute a haiku to kick it off jus for the hel of it. ?
Just a suggestion...if you have a blog with content you'd like to share, why not just invite people to join you there.
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Blues Tea-cha,
OK, "testing" is out... but I'm not sure what other pages you're referring to...? It might be cool to sort of add comments to one of these two birthday posts...
his 34th: 2009/08/34.html
or is 33: 2008/08/todays-my-birthday.html
We'll get it straight eventually, I hope! Wasn't aware that one could "subcribe" to a comment thread!
Yo Michael G -
I'm not sure who you're referring to, but I've posted a link to Post-Mac Blues a few times:
and Sarah has posted links here, too:
... and everybody was always invited.
My guess is that some people feel happiest messaging on PHB.
Best to one and all,
http://www.cosmeticmedicalconsulting.com. Thanks
Yo Dia...
I'm aware of the link you posted a few times:
and Sarah has posted too:
... and have followed them.
If some people feel happiest messaging on PHB, by all means, carry on!
Great stuff on this site ;)
great stuff man!
Well, those who comment here generally do not comment on the afore-mentioned blogs, so what can I say? ;-)
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Nice Pics!
Here's a funny item that old Macfans will appreciate--a patent was granted for the use of a laser pointer to play with your cats, as Mac sometimes did, and even wrote an interesting PHB post about:
Imagine that--someone was granted a patent for a fairly common play technique with pets.
Hmmmm....I've always liked (it's my favorite!) the light blue color of a clear sky--I think I'll add a dusting of metalflake to it and patent the color. Then God will have to pay me usage royalties! I'll clean up!
Next: that special kind of squishy, liquidy texture of water.... 8^}
(c) Sept. 19, 2011/sgs [Heh!]
Here's the 2006 PHB blog post of Mac's about the "laser pointer playing with cats" riff:
Personally, I like to shake things up a bit, and so let my own cat use his laser pointer on me--I live to chase that dang little red UFO around the living room! I never get tired of it! Ha! 8^}
You know, that's just silly. I let my dog chase me around the room with a large spoon of peanut butter, myself. Much more sensible. And tasty, too!
Really effective information, much thanks for the article.
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What great pictures!
You are missed, amigo.
"How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here."
10/18/2011 - Hard to believe it's been two years. Miss you, Mac.
I was just thinking about Mac a couple days ago when I realized the 2nd anniversary of his passing was coming up. And is now gone...
I also still miss him.
Gives me the feeling that something like Bradbury's "October Country" draws near. Again.
October 19, 2011
We haven't forgotten you Mac!!!
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I have evidence that agents of Lady Gaga abducted Mac Tonnies and are holding him captive, draining him of his stamina and injecting him with secret recursions of his boyhood. Help him someone!
Katy McKenzie [Mickey D'Kidd]
I hold a B.B.A. (BA/BS) from the University of Houston (UH). Today, I undertake self-assigned writing projects.
They *tell* you about plagerism in school, but what about block quote and no attribute?
I work regularly in the computing technology industry, usually as technical support.
You "undertake self-assigned writing projects"? Hmmm. Is your supervisor or editor a difficult person?
I don't know about you, but what I was told in school is that the word is spelled, "plagiarism."
And, "what about block quote and no attribute?" might be better rephrased as "block quotes and no attribution?" "B.B.A."? That's new to me. I have an A.B.B.A. myself.
But, as to Mac's being held spiritually hostage by Lady Gaga, and her "recursively" drawing her esoteric life essences from his departed soul, I always did wonder where Lady Gaga derived her mystical powers of weirdness from.
I guess now I know: Tonnies as Gaga's muse--who'd a thunk it? Guess you learn something new every day, if you look for it. [Snarf!]
Looks like there's been a hiccup in the timespace continuum of this blog comment thread since Google did a little modding to the blogger format about a month or two ago at this point in time.
Note that the blog post says that there are 379 comments in this thread. Note also that now only the first 200 are displayed. It used to be that there was a clickable option to see the "newest" or additional comments, or the 179 that are now gone.
Did anyone by chance happen to archive the 179 comments that now appear to have been "wished into the cornfield" by Google? There were some good ones I wish had been preserved. Cap'n Marrrrk? Anyone?
Well, I'll be damned. After posting the comment above, THEN the "Newer>" "Newest>" option suddenly appears, and the 179+1 comments, plus original 200 are again accessible and available to read. So, unless you posted a new comment, you wouldn't know or see the comments after the initial 200! How screwy is that?
FuCkInG GoOgLe!
That would make this comment # 381, for those counting at home...
March 15, 2012 10:10 local PST time
Toxoplasmosis and psychology
A game of cat and mouse
There is tantalising evidence that a common parasite may affect human behaviour
IF AN alien bug invaded the brains of half the population, hijacked their neurochemistry, altered the way they acted and drove some of them crazy, then you might expect a few excitable headlines to appear in the press. Yet something disturbingly like this may actually be happening without the world noticing.
Toxoplasma gondii is not an alien; it is a relative of that down-to-earth pathogenPlasmodium, the beast that causes malaria. It is common: in some parts of the world as much as 60% of the population is infected with it. And it can harm fetuses and people with AIDS, because in each case their immune systems cannot cope with it. For other people, though, the symptoms are usually no worse than a mild dose of flu. Not much for them to worry about, then. Except that there is a growing body of evidence that some of those people have their behaviour permanently changed.
One reason to suspect this is that a country’s level of Toxoplasma infection seems to be related to the level of neuroticism displayed by its population. Another is that those infected seem to have poor reaction times and are more likely to be involved in road accidents. A third is that they have short attention spans and little interest in seeking out novelty. A fourth, possibly the most worrying, is that those who suffer from schizophrenia are more likely than those who do not to have been exposed to Toxoplasma.
Nor is any of this truly surprising. For, besides humans,Toxoplasma has two normal hosts: rodents and cats. And what it does to rodents is very odd indeed.
[Read the rest of the article at the link--it's quite interesting!]
The Cats...
It's the cats, I tell you, the CATS! And no one seems to want to face it...or acknowledge the danger. Those slinky little devils, just acting like they love you, when in reality, as they insidiously purr, and rub themselves senuously against your vulnerable skin and clothes, nay, even the rug and furniture, everything everywhere, all they're really doing, and with subtle, evil intent, is to transfer the infectious retro-virus and plasmoid egg-sacks of doom onto and into your precious realm of benign acceptance....and then... then.....maybe you'll start to have a short attention span on occasion. That is, if you even notice. Perhaps you'll slowly become less interested in new things, or maybe for some ineffable reason start to slow down, gosh, maybe even get a bit ...neurotic at times. It could happen. If it hasn't already begun to, that is. And there they are, swarming and oozing into our midst, the furry little monsters. I know you don't believe me! But, it's the cats, I tell you. The CATS! They're taking over! They carry an alien parasite that can warp men's minds! What do you mean, I'm acting crazy? I'm crazy? No, you're crazy! Jesus, maybe we're both infected! It's a sign! Oh, God, here comes one now, all set to jump into my lap, and to look up into my widening, fearful eyes as I shudder with horror as it settles onto my lap and begins to ...insidiously purr, calming me in some way I just don't understand...making me....sleepy. Is that a plasmoid trendril I see extending from it's nether regions out toward my wrist? How cute! Aw, nice kitty. Let me get you some milk. And brush your fur. Such a sweet kitty! I could just hug you.....now, what was your name again? Or mine? I keep forgetting things....wonder how come? Who are you by the way? And why do you have so many cats? What? No, never mind. It's not important... Oooh, is that strawberry shortcake? Yum, I love that.... look! The liddle kitties like it too! Awwww.......
(c) 2012 / Mynona
I found The Economist article on toxoplasma gondii parasite rather disturbing. My brother, sisters, and Mom all have cats. That, now, might explain some things.... hey, didn't Mac have a couple of cats, too? (Cue the eerie music...)
The Google blog changes, which now includes the two word captcha ("prove you're not a robot," the robot said) "security feature" seems to have slowed the bilious growth of spam in the comment thread, but, in turn, unless someone ventures to add a new comment, or used their Google ID to leave prior comments and click on the option (now _not_ available!) to have additional or new comments emailed to them to alert them of new activity here, most casual readers may be perplexed as to how to view/read the last 180+ comments here, now.
Now there are 7 different flaws in just Google/blogger's comment function alone that Google has never gotten around to fixing.
Guess they're too rich and smart to do the basis maintenance grunt work required. Idiots.
"It's the cats, I tell you..." ...hrm?
Do tell. 8^}
See: http://bit.ly/GLEBhS
Ref.: MT/PHB blog post of Dec. 5, 2007
Subject: Robots Infiltrate, Influence Cockroach Groups
See comment thread for:
Elan and WintermuseX9 commentary
"Recursively Yours"
Draft story / Really kind of funny... [?]
Mac's response:
"Quite possibly the coolest comment thread in Posthuman Blues history! :-)"
"12:56 AM"
WMX9 3/23/2012
Is there anybody out there?
Or we now all alone in here?
At least the spam storm has stopped.
Mac has powers beyond the Google!
Oooh! Piece of candy!
(Psssst...yeah, you there. C'mere. Remember what I said a few days ago? Well, I've momentarily recovered from my toxo
induced dream state long enough to find this new, and much more thorough and detailed article on the TG parasite.
So, don't forget, you have been warned that.... IT'S THE CATS!!!)
Oh, God! Here comes Jasmine now! Aaauuughhh!!!!! **cough** blaaaarrggh . . . .[>giggle<]
I'm OK now. Just had a little allergic reaction, I guess... Yeah, I don't know why either. Must be something in the air. Yes, she is a pretty cat, isn't she. I just love to comb out her luxuriant fur. Yeah, she's shedding like crazy right now. Must be Spring. Oh, these liddle, tiny whiny whitish weird micro balls? I dunno. Look sorta like itty bitty eggs, don't they? Hmmmmm......what? Oh, I guess I just drifted off there for a moment. ZZZzzzZZzzZzzzz...Ulp! Oh, kiddy widdy, now you made me spill my drinky poo. Alright, then, setle bak downe then. Thass rite, bak on my lappy wappy. What wer we tawkin about a fue minots a go?
(c) 2012 / Mynona
You know, I did tell you...it's the cats.
I wonder how long it will take anyone else to figure out you can still see comments 201-390 (390 being this one), but that to do so, you have to first post a message via the comment box to get access to the link that brings up all the newest comments?
Post a message here if you figure it out, like I did. Otherwise, I guess I'm the only one who will or can post additional messages. How very weird that would be, to use this place as a kind of digital sandbox.....hmmmmmm!
I guess I seem to be talking to myself. For now.
3/30/12 6:45 pm PST / sgs
Just thought I'd check in here to see if there was anything new. Guess not.
Except Google/blogger/blogspot has changed again, this time to allow anyone to see all the "newest" comments [201 - 391] simply by clicking on the "newest" link which now displays in the comment box -- it didn't before, when I posted all of the above palaver about "figure out how to post/read new comments" here jazz.
Hmmmm. I'm reminded that Mac seemed to like a somewhat obscure British band, called The Horrors. Their best original tunes include "She is the new thing" (great goth-horror video graphics), "Sheena is a parasite," "By five steps (?)," and "Sea within a Sea." Go to youtube to check out their Horrible Oevure.
April 23, 2012 11:45 am PST
Oh very sad pictures!
Ah, breathe that fresh air... for the moment, the evil spammers are kept at bay...
See here: http://araqinta.blogspot.com/2012/05/triptych-15.html
It is customary to leave a small stone by a memorial every time you visit. This is mine.
Bit of Macnews, via Dia's PMB, from macbots.wordpress.com:
"Mac and Philosophy: From high school classrooms to SXSW"
March 9, 2012 by Sarah Multiverse
See: http://bit.ly/Kta1er
I hate Google. And blogger/blogspot.
You have to set your controls, in either Firefox or Chrome, etc., to accept third party cookies, turn off any anti-tracking software/apps/plug-ins, like Do Not Track +, you have to precisely use the sometimes confusing captcha system (hmmm... is that a capital letter or not? Is that an m or and rn? Etc.). And, if you do not do all of the above, and reset your browser on the page concerned, etc., you get no warning. You get a copy of your comment in email, as if it does get posted, and the comment # amount increments, and the comment appears in the thread, but when you go back after a while, you notice nothing's there, as if you made no comment.
So, make sure you obey all of the above provisos, since Google won't tell you or warn you if you make a mistake or don't turn off your privacy or anti-tracking software.
Google, especially with their new "privacy policy" across all their products, is as much an invader of personal privacy of its users (read: fleshipoid products) to target and sell to advertisers by covertly collecting enormous amounts of your personal transactional data, as Facebook or the National Security Agency's unconstitutional "warrantless wiretapping" programs.
I advise anyone starting a blog or website use Wordpress or the alternative over Google any day. They truly suck, IMHO. 8^{
Hi, Dia---
Nice to see someone else around these parts at last. It's been many months. All the comments following the one from "Mickey D'Kidd" have been mine, in differing, and I assume, obvious guises.
The spam storm was stopped when Google finally, finally implemented the use of a "captcha" security feature, required an actual user to type in the two graphically distorted "words" before their comment could be posted. Most non-human spambots are thereby blocked.
Read your Araqinta post, since a notice showed up in my email box. I assume you'll get this new message the same way, but just in case, I'll cross-post it to your site as a form of acknowledgement.
And yes, I'd like to see some additional comments posted here also, as a kind of tribute to Mac, and to show he's not forgotten.
I'm revising a little story I posted in comments years ago at PHB that Mac said he enjoyed, even though it was simply a spontaneous rough-cut draft, about sentient cockroaches and the higher echelons of related intelligence seemingly in control, and if/when ever done, I'll post it here.
Anyway, just wanted to say, "Hi!" and will leave it others [?] who may drift by here to add additional comments as the whimish muse moves them to do so.
May 1, 2012 / 4:55 PM PST/ Steve S.
P.S. -- It took me several different attempts to post this comment due to the above series of problems Google/ blogspot/ blogger/ Chrome (all owned by Google) present to their users.
I'm hoping the European Union and FCC/DOJ privacy and monopoly multiple investigations of Google and their "Be Evil" / privacy invading policies actually result in some serious, concrete action against Google to revise their egregious policies to be more humane and less invasive. Of course, counting on the political class, these days, whether in the E.U. or the U.S., is the equivalent of whistling in a graveyard and probably just as effective, since they are in the pockets of the multinational corporations, like Google.
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Well, that didn't last long: the more sophisticated, automated spambots are back with their irrelevant, abusive drivel.
I have to assume the 4 comments above, two from a "face-painter" and two from a Microsoft sw support and consulting group, were posted by spambots, not actual humans, as they are duplicative, on different days. Quite pointless.
So much for Google's "security" provisions, for implementing a weak "captcha" system. Google, afte Apple, is only the richest, most profitable tech company around, right? So how come they can't implement a captcha or alternative security system to prevent spam? Probably because, somehow, it makes them even more money.
Bleah...how unfortunate that comment 400 is a piece of... spam.
Well, here's to 401 being from a genuine human being, although a kind of exasperated one.
Later... 8^}
May 7, 2012 / 10:10 pm PST / Steve
a song livikeishan--
for asx sabskraiburz
koz wii kaent pul aut dha spaem
batx wii kaen diluut it.
That hue in the sky
just a glimpse of another life
i barely missed by some stupid collection
life's random dominoes
if it' only been more aggressive.
oh and it burns me up.
my friends might as well have pissed in my cup
cause they knew and they never spoke up
you wanted the same as i did
i never will forgive them
is there something i'm failing to see
a message in the stars.
secrets lying hidden from me
not sure what they are
if they're keeping us apart
now the waltz is over
passed into the clover
cause the day will finally come
when time will have rendered me numb
maybe then i can put it down
let me linger for a moment now
collect some details to recall
some part of life before it all
fades into the darkness
is there something i'm failing to see
a message in the stars
secrets lying hidden from me
not sure where they are
tell me am I always to be
watching from afar
cause your image breaks my heart
This is just...wow. I am shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Mac will be greatly missed.
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I hope you have a nice day! Very good article, well written and very thought out. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.
Thanks for the poem, BTC... it is the sort of stuff that should be appearing here.
But, never fear, cats and kitties, one day one of us will find the ways and means to take on the role of a virtual "groundskeeper" here - and then - poof - all the spam artifacts will be trashed, as they ought to be.
Hang in there, Steve!
Meanwhile, I've updated the PMB sidebar to reflect that we are now on page 3 of the comment section.
Dear Mac,
To your legacy I dedicate Gotye's "Somebody that I used to Know." Everytime I hear that song I think of you. And you're dead. Why didn't I try for you? Because Natalie Portman came between us. And then Bruce Sterling told me not to. I pilgrimmed to Missouri last summer to honor you, but I swear I heard your ghost in Barnes 'n Noble and at both Lattelands. You know I love you.
Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
I told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember
You can get addicted to a certain kinda sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make it like it never happened and that we were nothing
I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
Guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
(From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/g/gotye-lyrics/somebody-that-i-used-to-know-lyrics.html)
But had me believin it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know-oh-oh
But you didn't have cut me off
Make it like it never happened and that we were nothing (oh)
I don't even need your love, but you treat me like a stranger
and that feels so rough
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect you records
And then change your number (oh)
Guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Somebody that I used to know
Somebody (now your just somebody that I used to know)
That I used to know
Somebody that I used to know
Somebody (somebody) (now your just somebody that I used to know)
That I used to know
I used to know
That I used to know
I used to know
I felt I was your www mistress for 6 years. Bruce Sterling said to let go. I was mad at him when I sent you news of his divorce, which he told me to keep private. I was very mad. I always thought you would be there, on the web for me to look up whenever I felt like it. My grandmother, Gaga, passed away at 105. What are you doing having a medical problem? Are you an asshole?
I have a boyfriend now. He looks like Anakin and he's from MIT, it's the Force.
For the record, I'm not through greeving yet. I haven't read all the comments because I'm very busy and I consider Mac's writing more important. I can't believe he's dead.
Well, that was a bit... strange.
"But, never fear, cats and kitties, one day one of us will find the ways and means to take on the role of a virtual "groundskeeper" here - and then - poof - all the spam artifacts will be trashed, as they ought to be."
The only way that could be done at this point would be to contact Google/blogger/blogspot and ask them for an access account for this blog for the purpose of clearing out the spam, but I presume Google would be very unlikely to allow that.
Reggae Dancehall Music is a new global portal dedicated to playing music by Dancehall and reggae artists with video charts each month presented by Nicole Stewart. “Now you can find out not only who is hot in Dancehall Reggae but also if they heading up or down. With artists such as Popcaan, Vybbzz Kartel and Movado dominating global charts, now is the time to really push the genre and breakout.”
wow...really nice art. .. .keep it up. .
vapor recovery unit
It's a big day.The Martian landing would have been great fun to share with Mac and you all...except the bots of course.It's hard to think of the red planet and not think of Mac.
Happy Mac Tonnies (b)Day, Mactonniesians, Tonniesians, and Macbots.
Mac Tonnies born, Viking I launched
href="http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/ABSTRACTS/GPN-2000-000644.html"August 20, 1975. Large NASA image of Viking Mars mission launch suitable for use as a desktop wallpaper.
Aug 20 1975 - Oct 18 2009
1975-08-20 -- 2009-10-18
12479 days inclusive
(I'm not rain-man; there are web sites for counting days.)
Sorry for messing up the html syntax.
I meant to point here:
or here: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/LARGE/GPN-2000-000644.jpg.
Large NASA image of Viking Mars mission launch on August 25, 1975
I was curious one day
and looked up
Triptych #15 image sources:
Picture 1
Saya the robot teacher or, more likely, via
Pink Tentacle
Picture 2
is Mac's original, I think,
but if so, then why isn't it in his flickr stream? Or it is a found image which has been deleted from the interwebs since he found it or is obscure beyond google image indexing. The size of 375x500 sounds like it was formated for a website and then found.
Picture 3
-fyi & fwiw-
Making a discussion thread on a different post would set a new mood & theme of "Stuff Mac would like". You could just post (as a comment) things Mac would have liked. We can get a little bit of Mac back since each person is like a piece of a puzzle, and the empty space of the missing piece can be visualized from the impression of the surrounding pieces.
Since there has been a small community on tryptich #15 for over 2, almost 3 years, suppose/propose we move to #14 next for another 2 years, and to #13 two years later (easier than the 686.98 Earth days in a Mars year). That sets out a timeline for 28 more years (like a mission to Eris) and beyond the life expectancy of blogspot and some of us. We'd be on the 1st page of comments more/mostly. Spam would be rare since there are not as many mass media links as there are to #15. Triptych #14 has had 18 spams in 3 years, 6 spams a year vs 10 in the last 2 months = 60/year on #15, a 10:1 ratio.
There are 15 triptychs. View all 15 triptychs by clicking on the "triptych" keyword.
proposed timeline...
triptych #15 Saya-sandhand-Taklimakan
2009-10-18 -- 2012-08-19
triptych #14
2012-08-20 -- 2014-08-19
triptych #13
2014-08-20 -- 2016-08-19
triptych #12
2016-08-20 -- 2018-08-19
triptych #11
2018-08-20 -- 2020-08-19
triptych #10
2020-08-20 -- 2022-08-19
triptych #9
2022-08-20 -- 2024-08-19
triptych #8
2024-08-20 -- 2026-08-19
triptych #7
2026-08-20 -- 2028-08-19
triptych #6
2028-08-20 -- 2030-08-19
triptych #5
2030-08-20 -- 2032-08-19
triptych #4
2032-08-20 -- 2034-08-19
triptych #3
2034-08-20 -- 2036-08-19
triptych #2
2036-08-20 -- 2038-08-19
triptych (#1)
2038-08-20 -- 2040-08-19
For after 2040-08-20, if anyone (or Google or blogspot.com) is still alive--
A triptych not credited as triptych:
If you like that idea, post a comment on #14
2012-08-20 -- 2014-08-19, subscribe to comments there, and help get it started. Subscribing to a new comment thread and making it active doesnt necessarily mean unsubscribing from this mournful thread.
Mac would have loved/hated this, in reference to his past musings on how the effect or "purpose" of UFOs on humans might roughly be the functional equivalent of using a laser pointer to bemuse his cats:
From the New York Times, an article on the use of patents as a weapon (see:
http://nyti.ms/Q90bTy), a reader's comment:
"If anyone needs proof of how broken the US patent system is, all they need to know is that at least 5 patents have been granted for using a laser pointer to make a spot to move around for a cat to chase:
"5443036 Method of exercising a cat
6505576 Pet Toy
6557495 Laser Pet Toy
6651591 Automatic laser pet toy and exerciser
6701872 Method and apparatus for automatically exercising a curious animal" [from Tyrone in NYC]
Now, if only Google would allow me to patent a software tool that would retroactively erase all automated advert spam (despite their lame, non-functional captcha "screening" system) in a blog comment thread... like this one.
Oct. 8, 2012 / SGS
Oh, I forgot: Google makes some small pittance of money from allowing spammers to pollute comment threads at will, regardless of their dysfunctional-by-design "captcha screening," for added profit.
Who do they think they are?! Apple?!?
Curse you, Google!! Noooooooooo!!!
[Angrily shakes impotent fist at darkling digital sky... ala Steven Cobert] Heh! 8^}
Gone, but not forgotten.
Well, this seems to be a potentially rather interesting development:
"The Posthuman Blues," Volume 1, an edited compilation of Mac's best blog posts covering the period 2003-2004, being put out by Mac's old friend, Paul Kimball, under his own publishing imprint, Redstar Books, which I guess is a print-on-demand or POD publisher.
See: http://bit.ly/VrWttV for further details.
Since Mac's blog ran from early 2003 until his death on Oct. 18, 2009, one presumes there may be three additional volumes over time, each covering a year of edited blog posts of note, assuming the same format is maintained.
I think this is a good idea, since Mac fans will be more easily able to digest, and browse through, back and forth, Mac's best blog posts in print form, which is easier to peruse, in some ways, than the online format here.
I wonder--are some related, edited comment threads going to be included, or not? I ask since some of the comment threads, with Mac's comments as follow-up, were as interesting as the blog posts themselves at times.
Anyway, the PR blurb on Kimball's
redstarfilmtv.com website notes that Volume 1 will be available for order (for $15.95) sometime in November.
Posted: Nov. 4, 2012
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