Sunday, September 11, 2005

Astronomers discover 2 more oddball objects

Although the peculiar orbits of all three could shed fresh light on the earliest epochs of the solar system's formation, the astronomers now concede that maybe it's best not to think of them as planets at all.


"Santa is crazy, and it's my favorite -- by far the weirdest of the three," Brown said. It is significantly larger than Pluto, it's shaped like a huge cigar, and it rotates end-over-end every four hours; it also has a single tiny moon about 60 miles in diameter orbiting around it.

(Via The Anomalist.)

Good lord -- they've found the mothership!


  1. I was only *sorta* joking when I called it a "mothership." I think this calls for a close look.

    Weevee: skonxk (German for "skunk"?)

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Perhaps an object close to this limit, early in its life when it is a bit more molten gets smacked. This strike causes it to tumble end over end thus streching into a cigar or dumbell shape.

    Would be nice if it could be captured and brought in system. A cigar shaped rock longer than 500 miles... hell that bigger than Californias central valley. City sized caverns could be bored deep inside and engines strapped to the outside. Viola! Generation ship. No worrying about the hull breaking down, pretty good impact and radiation protection. Now if we could just build a space elevator go out there and grab the sucker.

  3. The image of a giant derelict spacecraft tumbling end over end reminds me of the dust-smothered Discovery craft as seen in "2010." That was a memorable scene.

    If anyone reading hasn't read the book ... what the hell are you waiting for??? ;-)

  4. WMB--

    In defense of the inevitable skeptics, there really *isn't* that much compelling evidence, aside from the object's weird shape.

    My problem with mainstream skepticism is the way it demonizes honest speculation and chastises those who recognize its usefulness as "believers."

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    there should be no stigma with just asking questions.

    im reminded of the last russian photo from the phobos probe...a reflective cylinder captured changing orbit just before the probe was lost...(that is if the old nimoy in seach of show is to be believed...and who doesnt believe spock?)

  6. Yeah it's just like the game for pc that I'm gonna buy as soon it will be released the bizarre alice madness return haha just like an evil santa haha
