Monday, September 26, 2005

NASA's Griffin: 'Humans Will Colonize the Solar System'

But the goal isn't just scientific exploration . . . it's also about extending the range of human habitat out from Earth into the solar system as we go forward in time. . . . In the long run a single-planet species will not survive. We have ample evidence of that . . . [Species have] been wiped out in mass extinctions on an average of every 30 million years.

Meanwhile . . .

Apocalypse Now

Floods, storms, and droughts. Melting polar ice, shrinking glaciers, oceans turning to acid. Scientists from the fields of glaciology, biology, meteorology, oceanography, and ecology reported seeing a dramatic rise over the last 50 years of all the indicators of climate change: increase in average world temperatures, extreme weather events, in the levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, and in the level of the oceans.

[. . .]

Quite a few climate "skeptics", fossil fuel executives, and members of the Bush administration are still denying that there is such a thing as human-caused global warming. Many of them claim that the sun has just grown hotter. However, a warmer sun would have heated the stratosphere as well. In contrast, the stratosphere is cooling -- suggesting a blanket of greenhouse gases that prevents the earth’s heat from radiating back into space.


  1. Ken--

    "Space weather" is in its infancy. I wouldn't be surprised if the sun does in fact play a quiet role in global warming. However, Occam's Razor -- and lots of research -- suggest we're doing just fine at raising the Earth's temperature all by ourselves.


    Those Whitehouse gases are the worst...

  2. we will be the owners of all the universe in few years, I absolutely sure of this, I think that it will be the highest point of intelligence of the human!

  3. Gosh, there is so much effective material here!
