Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Just like a woman

Go ahead. Flinch at the notion of a man having sex with an imitation woman and classify him: Lonely loser. Pathological creep. Misogynist. Potential rapist. Sicko. True enough, some men who have sex with Real Dolls are creepy -- not the kind of guy you'd want to be alone with -- and many are tragically lonely. But some defend their Real Doll fetish as being no different than a 3-D version of a Playboy centerfold.

(Via Boing Boing.)

This is way too much like stashing in a corpse in my house, thanks very much. But at least it reaffirms my pet theory that recreational sexbots will play a significant role in financing the first phases of "more human than human" android technology.


  1. Mac:

    Not to be crude here, but how is this any different from masturbation, which we're all told is perfectly healthy? Or the use of a vibrator by a woman?

    I agree - some people using these things are probably "losers" (although who are we to judge). Mnay others, I suspect, just have different parameters of what is "fun."


  2. Hey, at least they don't have the batteries go dead when you least want them to.

    The other night I decided that cleaning the living room was going to need some good trashy TV as an accompaniment. I happened upon a program that features Hugh Hefner's current three girlfriends. Very young, very blonde, and incredibly stupid.

    I suspect the average relationship with a Real Doll can't be much more superficial than what I was seeing there.

    I've been known to read a bedtime story to a stuffed toy duck, but at least our relationship is platonic. :)

  3. In Blade Runner the hero and his girl friend found out they were replacants, some suggest that we are all constructs, this ideal that we are some how purer and better that the androids is just another human conceit, it goes right along with the “we are better than the plants and animals’ derangement.

    Yea, I would be all over the Darrel Hanna bot, in a second.
    Yea Baby!

  4. Anonymous3:34 AM

    If a new technology can be used in a sexual way it will be.

    Motion pictures,the telephone, printing press, the VCR and the internet are perfect examples.

    The VCR was kinda floundering until people realised they could watch porn in their own home without having to set up a movie projector. The first thing to make money on the web were porn sights and they still make more money than just about anything else.

    With a little down and $150 month any guy can and more likely will own their own girlfriend. She will be built to his specs and come with the all important remote controle featuring the "Get me a beer", "make me diner", and "Mute" buttons. If you get tired of that one you can upgrade her or trade her in for a new model. A disgusting version of "American Chopper" leaps to mind.

    Other sci-fi titles with this theme include Cherry 2000, a horrible movie. Also AI. Gigolo Jo whaddya know? There was also an episode of Futurama where Fry downloaded (Napster like) Lucy Lu into a robot and promptly fell in love. "I love you Lucy Lu-bot!"

    A life like companion/sex buddy means that you dont have to put up with the snoring, arguments over TV watching ect. It also means that no more children will be born in any nation that can afford them.

  5. If one views sex as an internal mechanical function required to release sperm into the exosphere, these mechanical toys make sense. However, it appears to me that human beings actually require much more than this from the sex act and when this much more is not present most people do not find it very interesting. Intense, intimate interaction with something real and human is what people are actually after. I do not beleive any toy or robot will ever provide this. The toys or robots may allow an individual to imagine an intense, real interaction with a human being and thus serve a temporary need when there is no real human available. Perhaps one can live forever within their imagination via the use of these toys, but clearly this would be a pathetic, cold, and incredibly lonely existence.

    The prevalence of porn and the money value of it pointed out by some here simply reveals to us that we live in a culture where there are many people living pathetic, cold, and incredibly lonely lives. No matter how technically advanced the services that cater to these people become, their overall satisfaction from them is unlikely to improve because it actually depends on their own imaginations, rather than how effectively the machines can mimic human response.

  6. Paul--

    I wasn't passing any judgement. The point of the article, as I read it, is to question exactly what's "deviant" and what makes a fetish weird. Real Dolls aren't my thing, but evidently they're surprisingly popular.

  7. Hey hey hey! Everyone knows that clergymen are a third sex; why don't we make *everyone* happy?? Make dolls that look like little boys too!!!
