Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Whatever. I was hoping for something a little more literary, I guess. Like Winston Smith from "1984" or Rick Deckard from "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"/"Blade Runner."


  1. Mac:

    It would be interesting to see my Jim Kirk go up against your Obi-wan!

    If it makes you feel any better, I did it twice, altering a couple of answers that could have gone either way the 2nd time, and I came up as Obi-wan the 2nd time.


  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Im Elrond. Funny, I dont feel elvish.

  3. Elizabeth--

    Hey, I didn't *ask* to be a Jedi. In fact, I'd rather not be. I was hoping to be rather cyberpunk and dystopian, like the main character in "Neuromancer."

    But no -- I get stuck holding a light saber. Go figure.

  4. Elizabeth:

    It could be worse - you could be dating a wookie.

    Paul "James Kirk" Kimball

  5. Elizabeth:

    I aim to please... although there is NO way I'm going to help Tonnies with his lightsaber!


  6. Elizabeth:

    Gladriel and the Warrior Priest.

    Will Mac break his oath for you? And if so, could you be with an Oath Breaker?

    Tradegdy in the Literary Sense abounds.

  7. I don't think that If killing your best friend would make you immortal,that a blamed, just a lie..
