Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why Do DMT Users See Insects From A Parallel Universe?

"Something in the insect seems to be alien to the habits, morals, and psychology of this world, as if it has come from some other planet, more monstrous, more energetic, more insensate, more atrocious, more infernal than our own." -- Maurice Masterlinck, Belgian playwright, 1862-1949

I read Masterlinck's quote and it made immediate sense to me. Whenever I write about something "alien," or attempt to draw an alien, the result is almost always insect-like. While I make fun of people who are squeamish around snakes, I harbor a morbid fascination with the insect world.

I can't help but suspect that the "Grays," whatever they are, represent a breech in our repressed infatuation with insects. Perhaps they're a psychical infestation.


  1. Mac -

    Perhaps the tendency to equate aliens with insects or reptiles stems from the fact that they ARE alien.

    Insects, with their skeletons on the outside and lack of "blood", are decidedly alien to human life.

    Reptiles, with their inability to self-regulate body temperature, and their ability to regenerate lost limbs is equally "alien" to humans.

    I think maybe the tendency reflects a lack of imagination.

    It's a lot easier to envision an alien as an offshoot of an insect or reptile, than to conjure up a truly "alien"...as in alien to EARTH and not humans...life form.

    As we are in seriously short supply of hard evidence that alien life forms even exist...much less their true nature...we are left with the limits of human imagination.



  2. There was a report that came out maybe 10 years ago that claimed that a study a naturalist had done revealed that people who like snakes usually don't like spiders, and vice versa.

    I heard of it only on the radio, so I don't know why this might be, or what it means.

  3. Those following the links will get to an anecdote by a woman who seems surprised that a mantis (regular insect kind) lets itself be picked up.

    That is normal behavior for them, not linked with any paranormal episode she may have had. We've picked them up and had them walk up and down our arms for close to an hour.
