Monday, November 21, 2005

The other night I watched "Communion" on DVD. "Communion" is a true independent film, and actually benefits from its modest budget (quite unlike the lavish budgets usually equated with Hollywood "alien" movies).

In "Communion," the "Gray" aliens are spindly marionettes. And they look like marionettes, despite efforts to make them look weird and forbidding. But this only makes them more cryptic -- more alien. And, fittingly, more in line with the dilemma of the main character, who spends the first half of the movie questioning the actuality of his encounters.


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Christopher Walken looks kinda like an alien himself.

  2. The movie Communion was an pretty good representation of Strieber’s experiences. I think the lack of budget did enhance the film overall. Giving it a homey—truthful feel. As a screen adaptation it was far superior than most.

    As for Communion the book, I have very mixed feelings. On the one hand I believe Strieber was being as sincere as he can be. I believe that he believes he had those experiences.

    What actually happened to him remains (like most stuff in the UFO biz,) an open question. Was he abducted by “outsiders?” Is he a pathological/ self deceptive liar? He is a fiction author and none of his accounts fall far outside his own experiences or imaginative capacity. Did something happen to him which triggered a series of elaborate delusions?

    None of these questions have been satisfactorily answered. But; we are lucky in a way, Strieber is a very articulate writer. He’s been able to document his abduction experiences as few have. This gave us a look at the abduction phenomena—real or not unlike any except being abducted ourselves.

  3. I love Walken's depiction of Strieber. It's one of my favorite screen performances of all time, up there with Jeremy Irons in "Dead Ringers."
