Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Since I started Posthuman Blues three years ago, I've maintained a pretty strict "no-pet" editorial guideline. I've mentioned my cats a few times, but I've quite purposefully refrained from posting pictures of them or otherwise doting.

Anyway, now, for whatever reason, I'm breaking my own rule. The following are pictures of my cats, Spook and Ebe. Bear with me; it won't happen again.



I acquired Spook in October, hence the name. "Ebe" is MJ-12 for "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity," which amuses my vet. I like to think we have a nice "family" thing going. It's amazing how nuanced cat behavior is -- I'd never really been around them before. My only previous mammalian pet (excluding various mice) was a ferret, Burroughs, who died from a mysterious stomach ailment several years ago. Burroughs was fun; he liked for me to slide him, hockey puck-style, across the kitchen floor, then return over and over again for more.

OK. Enough pet stuff.


  1. Copper teakettles! There's a year's worth of blog right there.

  2. Expressing affection should never require an apology.

    They are adorable - love the names too! Spook is making me miss our recent golden-eyed houseguest.

    Be bold (like you need that advise LOL) Post what you please.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. For many years I had two cats that looked almost identical to the two pictures you show- a black one named Asia and a tabby named Skeeter.

    The black one mysteriously disappeared, but I buried the tabby so I am pretty sure that you do not have her.

    Anyway... the similarity is eerie.
