Thursday, December 15, 2005

Alleged 'Project SERPO' sent U.S. military team to another planet?

Remember the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind?" Remember when the government teams set up a landing zone for the "visitors" and how Army Special Forces personnel assisted with covert logistics? Remember how 12 people in red jumpsuits were transported to the LZ for boarding? The entries on allege that this is based on fact.

(Via The Anomalist.)

There were 12 of them? Interesting. I should have known that.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I used to hope for such disclosure since i first discovered the concept of the deep govt secrecy on non human life all of 25 years ago.

    I still wish for such a paradigm shift.

    But i realized that you cant life a life waiting for things to change for you.

    its no way to live.

    so i hope these posts are true but wont be surprised that nothing comes of them.

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Ive read the Serpo sight. To many holes in the story for it to be true.

  3. I don't buy it. But I'm very interested in how it fits into the whole MJ-12/"exopolitical" mythos. We can actually learn from this if we watch carefully.

  4. WMB--

    At least he didn't call it "Catherine Zeta Jones Reticuli."

  5. Anonymous12:07 AM

    it reminds me of the UMMO papers, but not as well done.
