Sunday, December 04, 2005

For your consideration:

Project Serpo

There are at once persuasive reasons to dismiss the data – and persuasive reasons to evaluate it very carefully indeed before rushing to judgment. The personal opinion of the author is that even if it may be considered unclear whether the account is totally accurate, it is of such extraordinary potential importance that it deserves a fair hearing in its entirety. Many on the list believe there is a significant probability that the information is at least partially founded in truth, and a number claim to have heard reference to (or in some cases considerable detail about) this project before. Therefore this website attempts to perform a public service.


  1. On UFO Updates, Stuart Miller recently said, "I'm not totally indiscriminate. For example, I have no time for
    the Serpo nonsense currently doing the rounds and am intrigued
    and bemused by the intense pressure that is taking place in some
    quarters to accept it as true. I find this very interesting."

    Mac, have you seen any manifestations of this pressure in your reading recently? I've only run into the SERPO biz for a few days, don't know if it was being publicly talked about elsewhere before that.

  2. I read through the "Serpo" website documents. Seems like a half-hearted effort at a hoax to me. The part that rings false the most loudly for me are the 10 anonymous comments, supposedly by different people. They all appear to me to be written by the same person, in roughly the same style as the original post. Of course this is just my impression, generally people seem to have identifable writing styles, which can of course be disguised or altered fairly easily. In this case, no effort appears to have been made to do this which is why I say the hoax is half-hearted. It may be that whoever did it, just was not all that bright.

  3. Anonymous11:58 PM

    And whats up with the whole "Time and physics works different there"?

    Even a dimwit like me knows one of the cornerstones of science is the presumption that physical laws are the same across the universe. Time doesnt work like that here? Give me a break.

    Serpo is a planet with a 43 hour day and no large bodies of water to help regulate heat. 123degrees at the equator wouldnt even begin to come close to what the heat should be like.

    I also like how there is almost no large industry, everyone does what they are told, when they are told, everyones house is the same with a min. of private property, the birth of children is striclty regulated, there are religous ceremonies but the liturgy and doctrin is very vague and non threatening...

    Why is it that all alien societies are perfect communist/socialist/progessive visions of the future? No space ships for you naughty neo-cons! Is that why they never land? They are afraid Dick Chaney will come out to shack their hand and given them Republican cooties? If thats the case then France should be lousy with UFOs

  4. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Shake.... like I said, dimwit.

  5. Project SERPO story exposed as hoax created by "Three
    Amigos" and McLean VA attorney Wayne Jaeschke.

  6. I've read articles claiming that two of the 12 visitors preferred staying in that planet... Well, reading the characteristics of their society, I see why they decided to stay over there.
