Friday, January 06, 2006

bad news -- for me. i fell and broke my arm this morning. typing left-handed is excruciating, so i'm going to take a temporary break from pb while the bone mends. i may be slow to respond to email as well.



  1. Sorry to hear that, and hope you heal fast! (For your sake, not PB. Well, not just PB.)

    If I email you a signature, will you affix it to your cast?

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that!
    Get well soon.

    Having had to do a lot of left-hand typing when I had a little baby, I found that after a bit of practice it went a lot more smoothly.

  3. Ergh, that's harsh, Mac. Here's hoping you have a speedy recovery - or an upgrade to a physically superior non-meat-based body. Either way, really.

  4. I thought that all men on the internet were skilled at one-handed typing. Or maybe it's just me. Ahem.

  5. This is you chance man!
    The moment you have been waiting for, what you have been talking about as long as I have been reading you blog.

    Get it amputated and replaced with a titanium cyborg battle claw!

    This could be the first step towards a total post human Bio-Mec-Mac!!!

    Er, sorry, I know its got to hurt, speedy recovery…


    PS huge alien artifact pile just discovered by spirit rover, and get this, they took high resolution pan cam shots of it, take a look at the station.

  6. Oh my heavens! Having broken lots of bones (some of them more than once - LOL) I understand what you are going through.

    Sending healing vibes your way, hoping your recovery is swift.

  7. Here's hoping you have a quick recovery, and everything heals well! :)

  8. Mac:

    Sorry to hear about the fall - hope you're not out of action for too long.


  9. thanx everybody. i'm experimenting with using my bad arm; hopefully i'll get better at it soon. i go back to the doctor's for a check-up in a week.
