Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Don't look now, but I've been, er, "selected" as one of the "6000 intriguing people you want to meet online before you die" at Cliff Pickover's new blog, The Six Thousand.

First a "Zorgy" Award -- now this. Where will it end?


  1. My God! First everybody was going to be famous for fifteen minutes, now?
    Now with the blogs everybody can be famous for the rest of their Freaking life time?
    Just look at all the unique and intriguing people, how can a planet stand to have so many screaming individuals coating its surface?
    So much personality, such a mass of character!
    An order of Chaos undreamt of by the Lords of old.
    At this rate good ol humanity will have just about broke free of that obsolete unity principle at the time the rest of the cosmos is achieving a state of oneness.
    Good job jackasses!

    As always, completely anonymous; Gerald T

  2. 2 Down 5998 to go...then I can die.

    I must say, you aren't nearly as hot as the entries so far, but much better looking than the guy with the testicle mouth...tentacle, I mean tentacle mouth.

    I don't know my own strength. Two of my nominees have been selected.

    Congratulations you facinating motherfucker.

  3. I think every single member of The Cabal should be on the list, personally.

  4. The Cabal is certainly more exclusive, anyway, since there's nowhere near 6000 folks there. :D I have to admit that I'm happy to see an anomolously large percentage of the members are making the list so early on.

    You are certainly a great and appropriate addition, Mac. I'm pleased to see you there.

  5. Mac:

    No offense, but I'm more of a Xeni Jardin type! :-)


  6. Hmm... something fishy here...

    This from Pickover's comments section, wherein one can nominate people (apparently including themselves):

    "# posted by Mac : 10:35 PM

    Oh, hell -- I think *I'm* sort of interesting, but you decide.

    Here are my websites:



    Hmm... I'm sure you deserve this "honour" but it might have been a bit more impressive if you hadn't nominated yourself! :-)

    I'd write more, but I'm off to nominate myself... and Zorgrot.


  7. Damn straight I should be nominated, although this whole thing seems a bit quackers to me.


  8. Ohmigod... it's as if he was monitoring my every move...


  9. I do believe Mac posted that comment after he was chosen, Paul. :)

  10. The ground rules appear to be that you can be a middle-aged or young guy with a lived-in face and make the list, but if you are a woman you have to be relatively young and relatively pretty.

    Don't anyone bother nominating me, I'm neither of those.

    Carol Maltby

  11. Hmm... I'm sure you deserve this "honour" but it might have been a bit more impressive if you hadn't nominated yourself! :-)

    Sickening, isn't it? :-)

  12. Carol--

    Don't kid yourself. You're eminently worthy of 6000-hood, and I bet Pickover would agree.

  13. Oh, I'm sure I'm worthy enough on most counts. And I'm actually glorying in being middle-aged and turning invisible in that way, as there's a certain freedom to it.

    I've enjoyed Clifford's page of questions, and liked the challenge of contributing answers to it.

    But when I happened upon his web page for his Neoreality novels, and rolled my eyes at seeing "You'll visit worlds replete with beautiful women and their surgically altered brains" rubricated, I realized there was a chasm there that couldn't be crossed.

    I just don't give a fuck about the value of "beautiful women" per se. Probably because I hang out with too many brilliant and talented women who resemble woodchucks more than they do the kind of package Pickover appears to value.

  14. Six thousand at one per day is only about 16 years.
    Is he planning on dying once he finishes the list, or will he start compiling the B list at that point?

  15. Carol--

    I'm actually pretty impressed with the creative/intellectual acumen of the women Pickover's included thus far. If I wanted nothing but looks, I could always cruise over to a supermodel site.

  16. You people missed the point entirely, the ancient traditions going back thousands of years on how to regain our sanity teach that individuality is a disease, a sickness, the cult of personality is in the end a death cult!

    You are so wrapped up in it that you have no idea!

    Read some, Nietzsche, some DH Laurence, get in to a 12 step group of some kind, for Gods sake, your sense of self is a prison!
    Your personality is how the Trans Dimensionals control you and feed of your emotional energy.
    Your individuality is how they slot you in the Matrix, your ID tag line, lose it and be free!
    Anonymity is the key.

  17. Their obvious "creative/intellectual acumen" is not in doubt. It just doesn't seem that it's the only criteria.

    We're big Moxie fans here at my house, foam and all.
    One big happy cult of Moxie. ;)
