Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I was at jury duty all day. A murder case. I complained (legitimately) that I had moral difficulty helping to judge a fellow human if that judgment might entail the death penalty, which is alive and well in Missouri. I don't know if it did any particular good, but I don't have to go back.

I'm going to be fairly busy finishing my move to the new apartment over the nest few days, so posting might be relatively scarce. (If anyone wants to come and help me carry stuff, feel free.)


  1. Mac:

    I got called for jury duty, which I consider one of those important democratic responsibilities that go with all of those rights people are so fond of, a month ago. I would have loved to do it, but being a law school graduate automatically disqualified me.



  2. Jury duty wasn't a bad experience. It just came at an inconvenient time, given my broken arm and my imminent move. At least in was educational. I have no problem with "doing my part," but I'd prefer doing it without the goddamned death penalty hanging over my conscience.
