Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Growing Habitable Zone: Locations for Life Abound

Beginning in the latter half of the 20th century, new information began to emerge that challenged the traditional view. Scientists on Earth began finding rugged organisms thriving in harsh conditions that were off-limits to most other creatures. Meanwhile, images beamed back by robotic probes in space revealed that other moons within our solar system were much more interesting geologically -- and perhaps biologically -- than our own.

However, beginning a decade ago, planets discovered around other stars began to reveal a diversity of planetary systems that was beyond expectations.

A few near-future predictions:

We will find extant life on Mars.

We will discover life among the moons of gas giants. Likely candidates include, but are by no means limited to, Europa and Titan.

Within fifty years (barring cataclysm), we will have catalogued at least one terrestrial exoplanet with an active biosphere.

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