Saturday, February 11, 2006

I finally caved and purchased a cellphone. I still hate the things, but I'd reached the point where the annoyance of not having one eclipsed the hassle of dealing with airtime fees, silly ringtones, text messaging, and voicemail service.

Anyway, here's what it looks like:

As you can plainly see, it's not very fancy. Bare bones, in fact. I think of it as my way of sticking it to The Man.

(By the way, I found the image on Google; that's not my hand.)

In other technology news, I recently installed Mozilla's Firefox Web browser after a negative experience with Microsoft's new IE beta. I recommend it; the advantages are subtle, but the overall ease-of-use is worth the download. (Sticking it to The Man, baby!)


  1. That's great Mac. Now people (THEY) can (keep better track of you, keep you under surveillance) get a hold of you more easily. That's it. Nice phone by the way.

  2. [nelsonmuntz]HA HA![/nelsonmuntz]

    weevee: fzanmugf

  3. --- begin rant

    I still have problems imagining that not having a cellphone is all that inconvenient. In exceptional circumstances, they're awfully nice, but those are too rare to be worth mentioning.

    I think I may end up being that last person alive without one. Actually, I do own one, but haven't had it activated or charged in years now.

    As time goes on, I hate them more and more, despite not using one. It's because they make telephone conversations very difficult. The sound quality tends to be poor, often bordering on unintelligible, and I get tired of say "what?" a dozen times before being hung up on. Often, I find myself just pretending to understand what someone's saying so we can get the call over with. When I've complained about this to my cellphone-loving friends, they all claim that their service isn't like that, and they're all wrong.

    Between cellphones and sales calls, telephones have become one of the top 5 irritants in my life. God, how I've come to hate them.

    --- end rant

  4. JohnFen--

    I feel your pain. I would have gone with a landline -- in fact, I'd already agreed to pay the connection fee -- but I discovered that my new apartment doesn't have a functioning jack. That was the final straw.

    In any case, I'm not a "phone person" and never will be. No protracted cellphone conversations for me, especially in public!
