Friday, February 24, 2006

I read trans-/post-humanist sites on a regular basis. Despite my general philosophical affinity, I can't help but feel alienated. Part of the problem is that the "goth" meme has infected the cyber-subculture so thoroughly that even subjective tastes seem rooted in the (paradoxical) notion that the future will be fundamentally dreary -- perhaps a "Mad Max"/"Matrix" hybrid populated exclusively by pale, heavily tattooed guys with polycarbon body armor and a predilection for anime.

Take Psymbiote. Sure, she's cool. In fact, I'd love to meet her over smart-drinks. But the punked-out vampire get-up is disconcerting; exactly what sort of future is she representing?

If the Singularity hits will I suddenly be the only human left wearing a polo shirt and jeans? Call me weird, but I don't want to live in a world of Trent Reznor look-alikes.

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