Tuesday, February 28, 2006

'Project SERPO' story gets more credible? Alleged insider accounts revealed

Natural questions have been raised about the authenticity of these reports. Is it a hoax and fiction? Is it a disinformation psychological operation (PSYOP) of some kind? Is it part of an acclimation program to further educate and prepare Americans and the international population for the reality of extraterrestrial visitation and activities on Earth? Or, is it something else or some combination of things?

(Via The Anomalist.)


  1. I'm bothered by its resemblence to some of the plot details of the old Outer Limits episode "Nightmare."

    Small group of military men? Check.

    On another planet far away?

    Serpo: aliens call themselves Ebens
    Outer Limits: aliens are Ebonites


  2. The alien planet is named Ebon, hence Ebonites.

    Do they think we just fell off the turnip truck?
