Monday, March 27, 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first taker on my super-cheap advertising program! (See sidebar.)

Want your own linked banner-ad? At a buck a month, half a year's advertising costs as much as a modest soy latte. Let me know if you're game.


  1. And let them know you appreciate their support for Posthuman Blues by clicking on their ad and checking out what they have to offer.

    Only takes a moment, and leaves them feeling warm and fuzzy.

  2. You consider a $6 soy latte to be "modest"? I'd call that "dramatically overpriced". Your ads aren't, though. :)

  3. And let them know you appreciate their support for Posthuman Blues by clicking on their ad and checking out what they have to offer.


  4. You consider a $6 soy latte to be "modest"? I'd call that "dramatically overpriced".

    Well, yeah, it is -- but I guess it was all in the general price-range that I could think of.

    What other common product costs $6.00? If you come up with a good one I might use it in my next self-promotion! :-)

  5. Approximately two minutes with Jeff "Bulldog" Gannon, the White House press room man-whore who charged $200 an hour!

  6. ~$6 items:

    A movie rental + popcorn
    A box of condoms
    A small, elegant boquet of flowers
    A box of chocolates

    Oh, sorry, that was my shopping list for this weekend's cheap date.
