Thursday, April 06, 2006

As some readers may have deduced, I'm working on a book concerning the "Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis," in which I seriously propose that at least some encounters with "aliens" can be explained by interactions with indigenous humanoids that live here on Earth, sometimes "walking among us" in grand paranoid fashion.

This is effectively the same book as "The Postbiological Cosmos," which I've mentioned several times. But I've been forced to revise some of my working assumptions. (Consequently, the title might change.) I plan on keeping the "Singularity" material, as I think it makes for a compelling synthesis, but the dominant theme will be less centered on technology and more focused on epistemology and witness encounters.

I think that the finished product will be a better book, more substantial in terms of evidence and less abstract (although my argument is nothing if not theoretical, at least for the moment). On a weirder note, I may even have an opportunity to incorporate some of the Mars discoveries discussed in my first nonfiction book.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want your stories. Have you encountered people with a decidedly "weird" and/or nonhuman aspect or seen what you believe to be alien beings? If so, you certainly wouldn't be the first. If I'm correct and indigenous aliens rely, in part, on our collective dismissal of topics such as ET visitation in order to operate unimpeded, then there's always the chance that you've seen them. (Or even spoken with them, for all I know. Maybe they're your neighbors; maybe that weird-looking girl at the supermarket check-out stand leads a double life . . .)

If this sounds strange, that's because it is. But I can't resist using my blog to solicit reports -- provided, of course, that the reports are honest and genuine. Please don't write to tell me how your parents are Grays in rubber suits. (Unless, of course, they are.)

If you have something to share, rest assured you'll remain anonymous unless you specifically indicate otherwise. You can email me by clicking here.

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